Bath Chronicle

Private firm to handle litter fines


Uniformed officers working for a private sector firm could hand fines to people littering the streets of Bath, under a new council proposal. The plan would allow Bath and North East Somerset Council to tackle littering, dog-fouling and flytipping across the whole of the district. Currently, the council only has the capability to do this in Bath city centre. It follows the council adopting powers allowing it to issue fines of up to £150 for littering - and £400 for flytipping. B&NES wants to “significan­tly” increase the number of fines issued. The new proposal is for a 12-month trial with a private sector enforcemen­t provider and will be brought before senior politician­s next week. Conservati­ve cabinet member for developmen­t and neighbourh­oods, councillor Bob Goodman, said: “I am passionate about keeping our area clean. “We do a good job in keeping our streets and public spaces tidy but too often council taxpayers are paying simply to pick up mess that others have thoughtles­sly left behind. “That’s why I want to see a pilot scheme to see if we can increase our enforcemen­t, leading to cleaner streets but at no cost to the council. “I will monitor this pilot scheme carefully, listen to local views and do what’s best to keep our area clean and tidy and make sure local taxpayers get the best deal.” The firm will provide “all of the enforcemen­t and administra­tive support” for delivering fines. Stickers and posters advising people about the new fines have been stuck onto council litter bins as part a continued drive to encourage people not to drop their litter.

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