Bath Chronicle

‘Schools are at breaking point’ as funding cuts hit


Children’s futures are being hit by the funding crisis in Bath’s schools, according to the city’s MP. Wera Hobhouse delivered this message at a meeting of school leaders, teachers and parents to discuss the impact national funding issues are having on the region’s schools. The meeting at Ralph Allen School drew more than 50 concerned parents of children from across the city. Campaigner­s say 53 of the 70 schools in the Bath area face a total loss of £1.6million in funding by 2020 – £69 per pupil. Although the council has previously stated school funding in Bath and North East Somerset rising, not falling, under a new national formula. Mrs Hobhouse said: “Our headteache­rs are having to make very difficult decisions about how best to allocate their shrinking budgets. This is having a disastrous impact on our children’s futures, particular­ly those who are most vulnerable.” The MP, herself a former secondary school teacher, said she had visited many schools and met headteache­r, governors, staff and parents. Adding that, “education is very close to my heart” she said: “Our schools are delivering the very best they can for our pupils. But how much longer can they continue to do so in the face of ongoing, disastrous budget cuts by our government? Our schools are at breaking point. And who is bearing the brunt? Our children. We need to call out this government’s cruelty. “The government’s so-called fair funding formula eradicates the extra funds that used to go to schools whose catchment areas had high levels of deprivatio­n. “Schools who need the most support for their children are losing the most money. But the government has found extra money - £50 million pounds - for grammar schools. It demonstrat­es the government’s commitment to inequality.” Kevin Burnett, branch secretary for the National Associatio­n of Head Teachers in B&NES, said: “Colleagues are in despair and utter frustratio­n at picking up all the pieces in a broken education system. The indiscrimi­nate slash and burn cuts which the current government has continued have wiped out the integrated approach to education, health and social care, which is key to the most vulnerable children and young people achieving their best.” The meeting also heard evidence from local education leaders Paula Black, a primary social, emotional and mental health teacher, and headteache­rs Sue East (St Andrews C of E Primary School), George Samios (Twerton Infant School and Nursery) and Dave Goucher (Oldfield Park Junior School). Mr Samios noted a worrying increase in permanent exclusions. “The system is fragmented. It feels like the safety net for the most vulnerable children is full of holes.” Andrew Baisley of the National Education Union told the meeting: “The state of crisis is undeniable. While the government is spending more on schools, rapidly rising costs and increasing pupil numbers are wiping this out. Spending per pupil is £389 less than it was three years ago. It would take £2.7bn a year to plug the funding gap. Sixth form funding has been slashed by 20 per cent since 2010.” Meanwhile, special needs pupil numbers increased by 33 per cent from 2015 to 2018 but funding has increased by only 14 per cent and 8 per cent in real terms. For more informatio­n on the national Save Our Schools campaign, visit https://saveoursch­ools. uk/.

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 ??  ?? Wera Hobhouse MP addresses the meeting and above, George Samios, headteache­r at Twerton Infant School
Wera Hobhouse MP addresses the meeting and above, George Samios, headteache­r at Twerton Infant School

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