Bath Chronicle

Independen­t traders team to help tourists


Surely it would make sense – commercial, tourist, or otherwise – to develop a team wearing “Bath Independen­t Traders” hoodies/ rain jackets/etc to be positioned at strategic points within the environs of Bath to help visitors who are clearly puzzled by Bath’s unique streets, alleyways, and one-way system? Invariably one finds new tourist arrivals standing forlornly outside say, the train station, the map outside Waitrose, and on one memorable occasion at the junction of London Road and Walcot Street wherein they hope to head north (sic) to the Abbey. The reason I put forward this idea is that I often find myself trying to direct tourists to various venues, but invariably give up, take them to their destinatio­n, all the while encouragin­g them to forsake the chain shops/stores/ cafes/eateries in favour of local and independen­t traders. Perhaps I am busy bodying, but given the sheer volume of visitors trying to make sense of maps, smartphone directions etc, I find it only natural to offer help, help which is nearly always smilingly accepted. Americans are particular­ly grateful, given that they expect their destinatio­n to be a mere “four blocks north, then wo blocks east”. I had a letter along these lines printed in the Chronicle some three years ago, and have been prompted to write to you because of a) a recent Chronicle report on the problems facing independen­t traders; b) the platitudin­ous response thereto by the council; and c) the rapidly growing num- ber of empty units. Andrew Cobb 5 Garfield Terrace Larkhall

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