Bath Chronicle

Warning after man in van seen approachin­g pupils

- Richard Mills Senior reporter 01225 322235

Parents say they fear a man who tried to lure school children into his van could be “on the prowl” for Bath pupils.

Police have launched an investigat­ion into two incidents where children were reportedly approached outside St Saviour’s Juniors School in the last two weeks.

Avon and Somerset Police say the first incident involved a man acting suspicious­ly in Eldon Place, Bath, on October 9 at around 4.45pm.

Two children were allegedly approached by the man, who tried to lure them into his van with free wifi.

The second is said to have occurred on Monday, October 15, and involved a man in a white van approachin­g an eight-year-old girl in Spring Lane, not long after 3.45pm.

A spokesman for the force said the van drove off in the direction of Charlcombe Lane.

Police say they are taking the report seriously, and have been looking at CCTV and speaking to people locally, as well as increasing patrols in the area.

An anonymous parent, who lives near the school, told our website Bath Live: “I have a nine-year-old at the juniors and a five-year-old at the infants school.

“As a parent I’m feeling really scared for my children’s safety.

“When I got the second email it turned my stomach.

“It feels like St Saviour’s is being targeted, someone’s on the prowl for kids around Bath.

“All parents need to be made aware not just St Saviour’s parents.

“I struggled to sleep last night, I’m finding it really stressful.

“Police need to do more. They should be having a meeting with parents to answer questions going around and to reassure us.

“A descriptio­n would help as a man in a van doesn’t really narrow it down much. (We need) age, hair colour, anything.

“All us parents can do is make sure our kids know what to do if they get approached and hope for the best.”

Another anonymous woman said a man approached her 15-year-old step daughter outside the secondary school, St Mark’s Church.

“My step daughter, who goes to St Mark’s, was approached by a man who was in his mid-20’s,” she said.

“She said he was asking for her friend by name and kept questionin­g her about this certain friend.

“In the end my daughter rushed off away from him. She then told a teacher the next day.”

A spokesman for the police said on Monday: “We’re investigat­ing following a report of an eight-yearold girl being approached by a man in a van in Spring Lane, Bath at about 3.45pm yesterday (October 15).

“The white van drove off in the direction of Charlcombe Lane.

“We’d like to reassure the public that we’re taking the report seriously and have increased patrols in the area.

“Neighbourh­ood officers have carried out house to house enquiries while we’re also reviewing CCTV as part of our investigat­ion.

“We always encourage vigilance and awareness of personal safety and stranger danger in schools and among young people.

“Our neighbourh­ood officers have been liaising with local schools to help deliver this advice.

“Anyone who witnessed the incident is asked to call 101 and provide the call handler with the reference 5218230948.”

The school sent out two emails to parents about the incidents.

The first after the incident on October 9 said: “We have received a report that two children were approached by a man yesterday evening outside the Junior School (Tuesday, October 9).

“The man invited the two children to his van saying he had free wifi they could use.

“The police have been informed and have advised that if you witness anything of concern, contact them straight away using either 999 or 101 (non-emergency) depending on the level of risk at the time.

“We have led an assembly about ‘stranger danger’ this morning and showed the children a video.

“We have also talked to the children about safe places they can go if they are approached by a stranger, e.g. the school, a shop or a trusted neighbour.

“These messages are also being followed up in classrooms giving the children opportunit­ies to ask questions.”

The school also asked parents to reinforce these messages at home.

The second email, sent out on Monday, said: “This evening we have had a second report of a pupil being approached by an unknown man. He was in a white van and asked the child if she wanted to get in to his vehicle.

“The child refused, ran away and reported it to her parents who have alerted the St Saviour’s schools and the police.

“Please reinforce the key messages around ‘stranger danger’ with your child(ren). If you have any specific concerns or informatio­n please contact the police directly.

“We have informed local schools, B&NES children services and Bath & Wells MAT.

“Please share this informatio­n with other families in the area.”

The school referred us to the police statement when we approached it for comment on Tuesday.

 ??  ?? St Saviour’s School has spoken to pupils and parents
St Saviour’s School has spoken to pupils and parents
 ??  ?? A police car parked in Spring Lane between the infants and juniors school
A police car parked in Spring Lane between the infants and juniors school

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