Bath Chronicle

Join thousands on Brexit march


This Saturday, over 400 people from in and around Bath will be joining thousands and thousands more in London for the People’s Vote march.

The Brexit vote has been a huge shock for the country, but it has made people really think about the EU, finally sweeping away our previous ambivalenc­e.

Yes, it does have its shortcomin­gs, but more and more people are seeing the overwhelmi­ng benefits and these are motivating people to make this journey.

We will be marching for an option to remain in this union which was set up ultimately as a peace project, underlined by its unwavering support for the Good Friday Agreement.

We will be marching to maintain our global standing as a key player in a world superpower.

We will be marching to stop this terrible waste of money on Brexit (currently estimated at £500m per week) and instead use the prosperity our membership brings to properly fund our public services and address the desperate inequality in our country which partly drove the Brexit vote.

We will be marching to keep our rights to travel, live, work and study in the 27 other EU countries.

We will be marching for our fellow Europeans from elsewhere who contribute so much to this country.

And we will be marching for our young people to have their say in this, the ones who will have to live with the consequenc­es of Brexit for longest and probably the generation who through their commitment to the EU are most likely to achieve the reform that is needed.

The situation facing our country right now is grave but the positive messages of this march offers us a way out of this mess. Claire Thomas Bath resident

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