Bath Chronicle

Time for an autumn clean

Want to get all sorted and calm before winter sets in? Start at home, says abi Jackson


Spring might rule the roost when it comes to the eponymous seasonal ‘Big Clean,’ but we reckon autumn is prime time for a good spruce and sort-out at home. Hibernatio­n period is around the corner (so it makes sense to get our nests ready for all those cosy nights in) plus, we’re still banking on those ‘back to school’ vibes (a good tidy-up is the house equivalent of a pristine new diary, after all). And we tend to keep windows closed more during the colder months – and crank up the heating – which means things can get stuffy and dusty.

But let’s get things straight: We ’re all busy. However, a good sort out and scrub down can feel pretty rewarding – meditative, even. It feels good to curl up on the sofa with a bowl of hot soup in a freshly de-cluttered lounge, all the cushions just so.

Here’s our guide to tackling a

‘Big Autumn Clean.’..

Before you Start

Step 1: clear your diary The ‘Big Autumn Clean’ doesn’t happen by magic and you’ll need to set aside some time. Either block off a few two-hour slots across a few evenings, or dedicate a weekend to it (but be realistic about how many jobs you can do back-to-back without losing the plot – you’re allowed tea breaks).

That might sound ghastly, but think of the money you’ll save by holing yourself up indoors in the process – and how good dinner will taste after all your hard work.

Step 2: Pick your battles

If you want to ‘enjoy’ your big clean, you need to set targets that are do-able, but still hefty enough that you’re going to feel suitably smug afterwards.

Pick a balance of jobs that aren’t much fun, but really need doing (such as the fridge and oven) and ones that are (slightly more) fun – reorganisi­ng your wardrobe and bookshelve­s.

Get cracking

Want some inspiratio­n as to where to start? Here are the seven cleaning and sorting tasks we recommend...

1. Freshen up the fridge:

When was the last time you properly cleaned the fridge? As in, completely emptied it out, removed all the shelves and gave it a thorough scrub down, so that every inch is sparkling. Can’t remember? Enough said...

2. conquer the cooker:

Yes we know, it’s a hideous job, but you can’t put it off forever.

We suggest dodging those nasty chemical-loaded products and taking a greener DIY approach (look up ‘natural oven cleaning hacks’ online and you’ll find lots of recipes for vinegar and baking soda solutions). Mix up your solution, apply it – then leave it to dissolve all that grime while you get on with something else.

3. Blitz the bathroom:

You’re probably doing a good job keeping the bathroom clean enough, but those stubborn mould patches that insist on taking up residence in your grouting require a bit more elbow-grease and attention (again, check online for some bleach-free solutions).

Not the most rock ‘n’ roll way to spend a Saturday, but think how much nicer all that winter pampering will be in a gleaming tub...

4. Dust like a demon:

Ready to reconnect with your interior designer alter ego – because you’re going to need to move everything in order to give all those nooks, crannies and neglected corners a good clean.

Chances are you won’t be airing the place as regularly until it gets warm again, while you’ll also be spending more time indoors, so it’s a good time to properly clear out all the dust and dander that’s settled over summer.

5. Switch up your wardrobe:

If you don’t normally ‘switch’ between a summer and winter wardrobe, we’d suggest investing in a few vacuum storage bags and getting into the habit.

Fold away all the floaty frocks and shorts you won’t be needing until next May, stow them away under the bed/stairs/in the loft, and then you can have a neatly organised wardrobe of just the clothes you’ll actually be wearing this season.

Oh, the satisfacti­on! In the process, pull out anything you no longer want/wear/fit into, and donate to charity or recycle.

6. clamp down on clutter:

Has your bookcase become bogged down with random post, magazines and parapherna­lia? Is your desk drowning in mess? Don’t wait until the New Year to get it all organised: Do it now, so you can stride into winter feeling collected and in control. Create a permanent home for life admin bits; invest in a couple of nice storage pots and boxes for stuff that needs to be kept, and tidy it all up.

7. cabinet clear-out:

We’re all guilty of hoarding and over-buying beauty products. Sometimes, it’s only when you confront the issue head-on that you realise just how out of control it is.

So, empty out all your bathroom cabinets/drawers/make-up bags – and take a good, long look at all those half-used bottles, out-of-date lipsticks and crumbling palettes.

Recycle and give away what you can, take the reality check, and let this be a lesson to you!

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 ??  ?? Wash this space – and then empty the cupboards and chuck out non-essential make-up – you’ll feel great afterwards
Wash this space – and then empty the cupboards and chuck out non-essential make-up – you’ll feel great afterwards
 ??  ??

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