Bath Chronicle





250ml double cream 120g caster sugar 1/2tsp saffron threads, soaked in a few tbsp of warm water 3tbsp orange blossom water (or rose water)

1/2tsp ground cardamom

2 1/2 sheets of platinum-strength leaf gelatine

250ml buttermilk

For the candied pistachios:

100g granulated sugar 100g shelled pistachios Vegetable oil, for greasing


1. Heat the double cream and sugar in a pan until it just comes to boiling point. Take the cream off the heat and add the saffron and its soaking water, orange blossom water and ground cardamom. Allow the cream to cool slightly.

2. Soften the gelatine by soaking it in some warm water. When the gelatine is very soft, squeeze out the moisture and drop it into the warm cream mixture. The gelatine should dissolve immediatel­y into the cream. Working quickly, combine the buttermilk with the cream mixture. Give the mixture a final taste; you can add more orange blossom water, saffron or cardamom at this point, if you like.

3. Pour the panna cotta mixture into four individual ramekins. Transfer to the fridge to set for at least four hours, ideally overnight.

4. Meanwhile, make the candied pistachios. Melt the sugar in a pan over a medium heat until it turns to a deep brown-coloured caramel, swirling the pan occasional­ly to melt it evenly. Quickly add the pistachios to the caramel, stir once to ensure the pistachios are all coated and pour the whole mixture onto a piece of greased baking parchment and set aside to cool.

5. Roughly chop the caramelise­d pistachios and sprinkle over the smooth, wobbly panna cotta as a crunchy accompanim­ent.

 ??  ?? Khazana by Saliha Mahmood Ahmed, photograph­y by Kristin Perers, is published by Hodder& Stoughton, priced £35.
Khazana by Saliha Mahmood Ahmed, photograph­y by Kristin Perers, is published by Hodder& Stoughton, priced £35.

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