Bath Chronicle

‘Legacy will live on’ after Jake’s death

- Sam Petherick Chief reporter

An inquest has been held into the death of a Bath man in his 20s. Jake Smith, pictured, was found in his flat in the Weston area of the city on Sunday, August 26. The village’s High Street was cordoned off after police officers said they “felt unwell”, having been called initially to Mr Smith’s home in Church Street. The huge emergency service response came after police said there “may be a chemical which has been contained in the flat”. After the address was searched, Avon and Somerset police said “nothing of concern” had been found. The result of an initial post-mortem was inconclusi­ve and a completed toxicology report – which found morphine and cocaine in his system – was passed to the pathologis­t towards the end of November. When the inquest was finally opened in December, a cause of death for the 24-year-old was given as cardiac failure and degenerati­on within the heart and circulatio­n system, along with morphine toxicity. At his full inquest at Avon Coroner’s Court on February 12, assistant coroner Elizabeth Myfanwy Buckeridge concluded that Mr Smith died “due to natural causes accelerate­d by drug use.” He worked at Subway in Bath and a former colleague who became his friend paid tribute to his “unique sense of humour”. Alex Smith said: “I have some amazing memories with him that I will never forget. “I was lucky enough to meet his other friends as we all came together at The Boathouse for a drink to celebrate his life and share our memories. “His legacy will forever live on.”

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