Bath Chronicle

Long serving councillor to stand down at elections


Combe Down Councillor Cherry Beath has announced she will not be standing in the local elections being held in May.

She has served the Combe Down Ward since 2007, and says she feels honoured by the support from residents over the years.

Cherry has served in various roles within the council, including as mayor in 2014, chair of council in 2017/18 and cabinet member for resources, economy and major projects.

She initiated council partnershi­p and funding for innovative projects such as The Guild Co Working Hub, and it was under her watch that the Bath Digital Festival was encour- aged, and has become a feature of the city. She has also championed the creative, technology and independen­t business sectors in the community.

As mayor she was asked to speak and write on women leaders in politics, and this is a cause close to her heart, always wanting to encourage younger people, and particular­ly women, to get involved.

She was the first ‘tweeting Bath mayor’ and recognised the importance of social media.

Cherry has been a member of the Festivals Board, The Cultural Forum, and is currently a trustee director of The Guild, and also of The Genesis Charity.

She is on the World Heritage Guidance Panel, and the Police and Crime Panel, where her previous career as a probation and divorce court officer has been key. She is patron of the Mid Somerset Festivals, and supports many other arts organisati­ons.

Cherry oversaw the completion of the Combe Down Mines Stabili- sation Project, which had a huge impact on residents. She was able to secure funding for commemorat­ing that project, which led to the installati­on of the Bath stone monoliths, bespoke iron gates and benches.

She was actively involved in supporting the establishm­ent of the Stone Mine Museum.

Cherry said: “Combe Down has always been an active and busy ward, and I have been full of admiration for the stoicism of residents coping with the long Mines Stabilisat­ion Project, which until completed, rendered many homes uninsurabl­e.

“We then in recent years had the disruption and fears of plans to redevelop a large part of the Foxhill Estate, which many residents saw as breaking up their community, and threatenin­g their homes.

“I shall no doubt miss the work, and certainly the people, but know how it can be good to hand over to fresh faces and ideas, and think it is time to hang up my boots!”

 ??  ?? Cherry Beath, third from left, will not be standing in the May local elections
Cherry Beath, third from left, will not be standing in the May local elections

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