Bath Chronicle

I’m sceptical about pollution findings


Let’s travel back to the 1950s/60s when there was 75 per cent fewer cars or trucks on the road as there are now, however they probably used 50 per cent more petrol than a modern car.

Petrol back then had a fair bit of lead in it and a lot of other nasty additives. In fact the petrol was so dirty that every 50,000 miles engines had to be de-carbonised.

In those days there were no fancy machines to tell us how bad the pollution was - walking to school in the smog, and black Bath stone buildings caused by houses burning coal, was our pollution monitor.

So over the years steps have been taken to clean up the air we breathe, more efficient petrol/diesel engines, smokeless fuels etc.

But still we are being told by our politician­s that air pollution is at an all time high, (but this time around it seems to be invisible), and we are told the vulnerable old and young are suffering.

Back then I was a vulnerable young person with whooping cough. I managed to survive.

I am now a vulnerable old person who works 6 days a week and walks 2 miles there and then 2 miles home at peak times, most of which is along the Lower Bristol Road.

So forgive me for being sceptical about these latest findings and the best way to cure them.

But what an easy way to make a lot of money.

Stuart James Beechen Cliff

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