Bath Chronicle

New kids on the block

A host of exciting new plants are making their debut at RHS Chelsea Flower Show this year. Hannah Stephenson reveals her pick of the bunch


There’s a host of exciting new plants being launched this year and making their debut art HS Chelsea Flower Show, w-hich should inspire garden ers to get planting. New roses, clematis, an array of new perennials and houseplant­s will all be showcased at the show.

Here are 10 to look out for...

1-. Clematis ‘Meghan’ (Thorncroft

Needless to say, there’s been a lot of hype surroundin­g this deep-red flowered variety, named in celebratio­n of the wedding of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry last year.

It’s a summer-flowering type bearing flowers in May and June, and again from late-july to September, on the current season’s growth.

It grows up to 1.5m (5ft), so is ideal for planting in a container or up an obelisk, but is also at home in the border. To maximise flowering potential, prune annually in February and March.

2-. Rosa ‘Gabriel Oak’ (Davidausti­n You can always rely on David Austin to come up with the goods for scent, colour and reliabilit­y and this stunning deeppink English shrub rose is no exception.

Named after the beloved character of Thomas Hardy’s novel Far From The Madding Crowd, it grows to around 4ft and produces large, many petalled rosette blooms, in the style of the Old- Roses, with a strong, fruity fragrance. I-deal for the mixed border, pots and con tainers and the rose border.

For rose lovers who prefer a softer hue, trhe company is also launching osa ‘-Eustacia Vye,’ a shrub rose which pro duces soft apricot-pink blooms and will also tolerate semi-shaded areas.

3. Digitalis ‘Firebird’ (Hardysplan­ts.

This majestic hybrid has adopted the b-est traits from each of its parents - Digi talis purpurea and canariensi­s - and has shown to be a robust and vigorous per- ennial, growing to 120 x 60cm in dappled shade or sun in any good soil.

It produces 90cm spires of delicious warm reddish-pink coloured flowers, which have deep apricot tones in the throat and classic digitalis freckles on the inside of the flower.

4. Buddleja ‘Butterfly Towers Magenta’ ( Ever thought of growing buddleja as a hedge? Now you might be able to, with the introducti­on of this new upright buddleja with a columnar habit, which bears beautiful mauve-purple flowers which are a magnet for butterflie­s.

It’s hardy, easy to grow and requires little maintenanc­e. There’s already a buzz around this one, which is hoping to make an appearance at Chelsea.

5. Begonia ‘Joyful Blaze’ (Dibleys. com) The foliage on this new houseplant­t fea tures contrastin­g, black and glistening red leaves. This tall growing begonia has a bushy habit, is quick-growing and will c-reate a good sized plant within one sea son. Early autumn brings a flourish of pink flowers. To obtain the best foliage colour, red leaf varieties should be grown in bright l-ight. While the plants are actively grow ing, the compost should be kept moist.

F-eed with a balanced houseplant ferti liser once a week and take care not to overwater.

6. Clematis ‘Sugar Sweet Blue’ (Thorncroft­

This is an exciting new addition as this large open-flowered clematis is scented, with a rich almond fragrance which is particular­ly strong in the evening and early morning.

It flowers on new growth of around 3m during April and early May, before most open-flowered clematis come into bloom. It’s best grown in part sun or dappled shade rather than full sun - grow it close to the patio, where the scent can be enjoyed.

7-. Salvia ‘Amethyst Lips’ (Hardys

This stunning bi-coloured, rich purple and white flowered, shrubby perennial, is a subtler and perhaps some may say, e-asier to place, relative of the highly pop ular Salvia ‘Hot Lips’.

L-ike its famous cousin, Salvia ‘Ame thyst Lips’ flowers throughout June and October and grows to about 100 cm x 75cm, and is equally at home in either a mixed border or a large pot, in moist but well-drained soil, in full sun.

8. Rudbeckia ‘Savannah Mixed’ (

Thompson & Morgan are hoping these new summer stunners will be on show at Chelsea this year. The colour-changing coneflower­s open in shades of lime and yellow-green in early summer and, as the flowers age, they darken to deep autumnal shades of wine-red, burnt orange and green. These annuals, which grow to 50cm tall, are ideal for creating an accent in beds and borders, as well as attracting insects to the garden. Plant them en masse for the best effect.

9-. Dianthus ‘Cherry Burst’ (Hardys

Of a new generation of single flowered, full hardy Pinks, these are shorter in stem, growing to just 15 cm high, making them perfect for the border or a pot.

Flowering continuous­ly from May to September, ‘Cherry Burst’ has interestin­g chocolate coloured buds which open to a deep maroon eye, bleeding out to a lighter pink border over compact grey/ green foliage. This hard-working little pink also has a delicious sweet perfume.

10. Streptocar­pus ‘Lemon Sorbet’ (

The brightest, zingiest streptocar­pus so far - the open face of these flowers sparkles in the sunshine. This variety is extremely floriferou­s, with months of continuous blooms and grows between 17-22cm.

Pot them in a good quality potting compost and shade them for a few days, then within a few weeks they should begin flowering. Water regularly from either above or below when the plant needs it.

Make sure you don’t overwater, though - they only need watering when the compost feels dry to the touch.

They are happiest in bright light but not full sunlight, as too much sun can burn the leaves and fade the flowers.

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