Bath Chronicle

True, going it alone is not an option


I was intrigued by Rachel Walker’s brief letter, “History shows going it alone is mistaken”.

I am not sure whether she is referring to our on-going ties with the EU or to those with America.

Since she draws attention to the commemorat­ion of D-day I am assuming the latter as without American sacrifices on D-day seventy five years ago, we would have probably lost WW2.

On Omaha Beach alone the Americans suffered 4,000 casualties. One US unit landing in the first wave lost 90 per cent of its men.

In total 2,500 of their soldiers were killed that day, by far the biggest number of Allied soldiers lost on D-day.

So she is right, we were not alone then, nor should we be going forward. It therefore makes me mad to see certain within our communitie­s and especially politician­s like Jeremy Corbyn, Vince Cable as well as London Mayor Sadiq Kahn and the Speaker of the House, John Bercow, all being so discourteo­us and disrespect­ful to the democratic­ally elected President of the USA.

I wonder what would be their reaction if we were once again subjected to tyranny and Trump said “Sorry guys, you’ve made your bed, now lie in it!”

The European Union evolved, devolved actually, from basically a free trade pact among a few countries

into a giant, dysfunctio­nal, overreachi­ng bureaucrac­y.

The EU in Brussels is composed of a class of bureaucrat­s that are extremely well paid, have tremendous benefits, and have their own self-referencin­g little culture. Will it survive?

Rising populist nationalis­m, the challenge of maintainin­g borders with unstable regions, cultural tensions between different countries, a euro that struggles with fiscal policy convergenc­e and so on suggests to me it may not.

If that happens and we’ve thumbed our noses at America, we sure as heck will be alone. Perhaps Remainers should focus on these issues as opposed to what was written on buses. Stan Frith Bath

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