Bath Chronicle

Parking system at RUH needs review


Re: Parking at the RUH. I am at a loss to understand the partial sympathy offered by your correspond­ent, M. Whitemore, over my dispute with Parking Eye.

Has he/she overlooked the following.

1) That my wife was categorica­lly told by the Gynaecolog­ical Dept that if she presented herself at the pharmacy, her tablets would be ready and waiting.

2) That, on arrival, I did not note the time in the belief that we would not be more than a few minutes. We could not predict the backlog of prescripti­ons then being dispensed that caused a 9 minute delay. 3) That I was not away from the car for more than 1-2 minutes and that I was legally parked, at all times. 4) Had I moved my car to the car park, my wife would not have had any way of contacting me and I hope that your correspond­ent would not expect her to come to the car park, looking for me, when she had only been discharged 4 days previous, following major abdominal surgery.

My point, and that made by Liese Rumbold, is that their slick computeris­ed system is based on “park at your peril” and that they could “be more helpful overall” whereas they hope that many genuine cases will not bother to appeal.

I could provide examples of a 44 minute stay at the front of the RUH to collect a patient being discharged who could only walk with a pair of crutches. And what about going through the Bus Gate 34 seconds early?

No, the entire system should be reviewed. Frank Cottle, Lansdown

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