Bath Chronicle

Government urged to ensure furlough covers new mothers


Wera Hobhouse has called for changes to the furlough scheme to allow new mothers to be able to take advantage of it.

The Bath MP asked leader of the house and North East Somerset MP Jacob Rees-mogg, to raise the issue of maternity allowance and the furlough scheme with cabinet colleagues.

Although the extended furlough scheme covers women returning from maternity leave and other statutory absences, it cannot be applied to those who are on maternity allowance since it requires an employer to have made PAYE submission­s for the employee between March 20 and October 30 last year.

Ms Hobhouse called the issue a “serious oversight” and asked her neighbouri­ng MP to urgently clarify what employers should be doing. Her question follows a campaign led by Maternity Action, an organisati­on that helps advise new mothers and pregnant women.

Mr Rees-mogg responded to Bath’s MP by promising to raise the issue with his colleagues in the Treasury. He argued that it was important furlough was “fair in its applicatio­n”.

Following the exchange, Ms

Hobhouse said: “I’m pleased that the government’s finally indicated that they’ll look into this serious oversight.

“The real-world implicatio­n of the current guidance is that women are returning from Maternity Leave to teams where everyone else has been furloughed and they are unable to do their jobs due to lockdown. Through no fault of the employers, this exposes new mothers to a high degree of uncertaint­y and job instabilit­y.”

She added: “Maternity Allowance, as opposed to statutory maternity leave, tends to be used by those who are already in weaker economic positions - such as women in part-time work. This context allows us to see just how damaging this guidance is for people’s lives.

“New mothers have already been exposed to the sharp end of government pandemic policy - in many cases being asked to give birth alone and not being able to rely on informal support networks to get through those critical first few months of motherhood. I hope to hear from the leader of the house shortly on this issue and will be raising it again if I do not.”

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