Bath Chronicle

‘I never thought it would happen’

OLIVIA SCULL meets author Lynn Griffin, who wrote her first book after her plans to travel the world had to change


AN author from Bath has had her debut book published in a surprise career change. Lynn Griffin was born and bred in Bath and now lives in Trowbridge with her husband. Her debut novel Secrets, Shame and a Shoebox has just been released after she wrote it in January 2020. Lynn has many other stories stashed away that she has written over the years. Having retired a couple of years ago, she decided to enter into a whole new industry. Lynn said: “I never thought it would happen as I retired with the plan to trek around the world. When I was offered the contract I couldn’t believe it.” Lynn previously worked in an adult social care team in Wiltshire. She was travelling in Spain in January 2020 when she finished the novel. She was planning to travel the world, but when Coronaviru­s hit her plans were forced to change. Originally Lynn wasn’t going to share her story with the world, but after a pep talk with a friend who told her that life is too short, she took the leap. Lynn said: “That was the bit that kind of clinched it. She [Lynn’s friend] said I needed to get it out there before I popped my clogs. I thought it was a fair point. “I started looking through the writer’s handbook and sent out a few enquiries, and I couldn’t believe actually somebody wrote back and said they were interested!” Lynn submitted her story to a New York publisher that she liked the sound of. Twelve months later, she had a contract - and now her book has been published. Lynn said: “It’s everywhere, I can’t believe it. My husband said to me that you can get it through W H Smiths, Waterstone­s, Amazon, their Kindle store... it seems to be spreading right across the world and I can’t believe it.” When Lynn originally wrote and submitted the book, it was way above word count, so the publishers advised she split the book in two. Lynn is now using half of the original book to write the prequel to her first book. It is currently in the proof reading and editing process. The first chapter of this prequel is in the back of her first book available to buy now. Lynn said: “My husband reads autobiogra­phies or things that are really interestin­g. He said, ‘I tell you what I will read [it] when it’s published. “I got my copy a bit earlier than the release date and he sat down and I couldn’t believe he finished it. I think he really did enjoy it and he was asking me questions along the way. “It’s just a bit of a shock actually. “I’ve got quite a bit on the shelf that could be looked at and used, and that’s what publishers quite like. Let’s see how it goes. It has been a complete surprise. “I didn’t expect any of this to happen and it’s like I’ve got a whole new career again.” It’s been a total gear change for Lynn, who was a social care worker before she retired. She said: “I must get about 50 to 60 emails a day. The other thing that is hard is having a new group of friends and colleagues who are all authors and trying to keep up with the marketing side of things. That’s not my bag. “It’s a whole new ball game. I’m quite a shy person really. But my daughter has been absolutely terrific. She’s been doing a lot of publicity for me; she’s just been an absolute superstar. I don’t know how she does it.” Secret, Shame and a Shoebox follows the story of Harriet Laws, who loses her grandmothe­r and her job, and her happy life in London seems to be over. Fate steps in as Tom Fletcher saves her, gives her hope, and guides her to new employment. Harriet begins to fall for Tom but CJ Rutherford - a handsome, wealthy antique dealer - has been viewing Harriet from a distance. Harriet is now on a journey she could never have imagined in her wildest dreams, and her life changes beyond all recognitio­n. The mysterious tagline for the book is ‘it’s London in the 1950s, and everyone has a secret’. Secrets, Shame and a Shoebox was released on July 25 and is available to order from Amazon, W H Smiths and Waterstone­s

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Lynn Griffin

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