Bath Chronicle

Simon turns hand to pet headstones

- Nancy Connolly

One of the most unbearable things about owning a pet is knowing the dreaded day will come when they will leave us, forever.

It is one of the most heartbreak­ing things, saying a last goodbye to a beloved animal, knowing they have loved you unconditio­nally and absolutely for so many years.

They may be gone forever but not from our memory or our photos.

Some of us bury our beloved pets in our gardens, keeping them in the home they once loved.

But wouldn’t it be nice to have a permanent marker, a tribute to the dog or cat who was once very much part of your family?

Simon Falkner-lee from Bath was inspired when his partner Beany’s beloved cat Monty died.

She wanted something to remember her forever. She had visited pet graves and wanted a headstone for her burial ground in her garden in Combe Down.

The couple searched and searched but to no avail.

So Simon, who likes making and fixing things, set about carving his own tombstone for the beloved cat.

A friend had some discarded Bath stone in his garden and Simon invested in some tools.

He was in lockdown so his new found interest turned out to be a great hobby.

Several Youtube tutorials and instructio­n books later he was able to present Beany with a beautiful Bath stone handcarved gravestone for Monty, which is now in situ in her garden.

Everyone was so impressed the orders came flying in, one for Simon’s sister’s horse Misty, more from neighbours and friends.

So now Simon is kept busy making headstones for pets all around Bath and surroundin­g areas.

He said: “I like to deliver the stones myself to keep my carbon footprint down, I use local Bath stone and source everything locally.

“Sometimes people burst into tears when I deliver the stone, it is very emotional but they are happy as well because they know the headstones have been lovingly

made and it will mean their pet will have an official grave and will be remembered forever. It makes me really happy,” he said.

Simon makes the headstones at a workshop at his home in Bath and demand is increasing.

They are designed to be accessible for everyone, for small or medium gardens.

He said: “The Queen has a Corgi cemetery in her garden, there is no reason why we can’t have a permanent grave for our dogs or cats too.

“I am an animal lover, I feel really passionate about what I do and I get to know my customers and their pets.

“It doesn’t have to be a dog or cat, it can be a hamster or anything really, our pets are part of our family and should be remembered forever,” he said.

Simon’s company is called Stoneshed and headstones can be ordered through the website Etsy.

 ??  ?? Simon Falkner-lee working on hand-carved headstones for beloved animals
Simon Falkner-lee working on hand-carved headstones for beloved animals

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