Bath Chronicle

Don’t let worries burst your bubble

- Online: | twitter: @bathlive Ralph Oswick: Ralph Oswick was artistic director of Natural Theatre for 45 years and is now an active patron of Bath Comedy Festival

When I used to help create a new show for the Natural Theatre Company, I used to get very stressed. After all, I would be co-writing it, designing the sets and costumes and helping to publicise the tour. I often designed the posters and programmes and went shopping for materials and props. Oh, and I was usually in the blinking thing with massive songs to learn and uncomforta­ble wigs to get used to. Not to mention the six-week tour of one-night stands.

On top of all that, I had to find time to polish the famous brass plate next to the door of our headquarte­rs on Widcombe Hill. In my latter days as artistic director, because of cuts and staff shortages, I also cleaned the toilets.

At the time, I invented a thing called stress bubbles. Each of the worries that keep you up of a night is given a bubble (or balloon) the size of which depends on how big the worry is. Just discoverin­g that not all worries are equal is therapeuti­c. Inside the bubble you write down how this problem could be alleviated or even solved. Smaller worries can be put aside to lurk in their little bubbles for action later. No need to even think about them.

In, say, a week, one can deflate many of the bubbles or even burst them. All very satisfying even though new bubbles might float into view.

You’d think that having retired from all that, while not exactly retreating to my allotment, I would be living a stress-free life, but the other day I awoke from a fitful sleep with my mind in turmoil. Time to get those bubbles out.

On my chart Covid looms very large, especially as I have just tested positive, despite having had both jabs. But I’ve experience­d minimal symptoms, so down goes that bubble. My dodgy knee should have a sizeable bubble too as it really hurts. But I’m on a list for surgery along with a million others. I must be stoic and brave it out. Worrying won’t make it any better. Hear that bubble hiss!

Numerous other bubbles in a variety of sizes are bobbing about. The chores I haven’t done, my new shorts that have split, the phenomenal­ly expensive electric bicycle in my shed that I still haven’t ridden. Even Eric my goldfish has a little bubble of his own as he looks poorly and is off his food. There again, he’s only a goldfish. Psssssft!!

Those bubbles can be deflated.

Book a cleaner. Send the shorts back or tear into dusters. Sell the bike or wait until I can get my leg over again. Hiss!!

For a moment a massive bubble appeared on my chart. I accidental­ly deleted this column just as I was finishing it. But thanks to my excellent short-term memory, this bubble was soon burst, as you can see.

Why not just make a list you ask? My stress balloons are an instant visual check on the state of my mind. Lists are boring. Even the thought of making a list stresses me out!

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