Bath Chronicle

How to lay the perfect patio...

Whether you have a small outdoor space or expansive garden, a patio can be great for al fresco drinks and dining, says Liz Connor


SUMMER means lots of opportunit­ies for sunny barbecues and chilled-out cocktails outdoors.

But nothing will kill a chic garden gathering like balancing your furniture on an unruly, uneven and overgrown patch of grass. We asked experts to share some must-know tips for laying the perfect patio...

1.Lay good foundation­s

Before you lay down your patio slabs, you’ll need to measure and prepare the area. “Draw a scale plan of the area before starting any work with exact dimensions. If you don’t have tools to cut patio slabs, you may need to work to the size of the patio slabs themselves,” says Sam Norris, design expert at Garden Street (gardenstre­

Once you’ve marked out the patio space, dig a depth of around 150mm in total, making sure the soil is evenly compacted. Add in a layer of sub-base or ‘hardcore’ using a rake to achieve a consistent depth of 100mm.

Sam also advises making sure the patio foundation­s are flat, by using a spirit level.

“It’s crucial the area you want to lay the patio in is flat and compact, otherwise you’ll run into a number of problems,” agrees Ross Goodwin, managing director of Mytoolshed ( “If you don’t compact the area, the patio won’t look even and it’ll make water drainage extremely difficult.”

2.Slope the patio surface

Most patios have the appearance of being flat, but they’re actually sloped slightly. You’ll want to ensure any heavy rainwater can run off the slabs, by directing it towards a drainage channel, or the rest of your garden.

3.Lay your slabs correctly

Paving stones can be sourced in a huge range of sizes and finishes. “It seems obvious, but make sure to lay the paving flags the correct way up if they have a smaller and larger face,” says Ross. “The larger side facing up is always the way to go.”

You’ll also need to add a second layer to the ‘hardcore’. As Sam explains: “Lay down bedding mortar onto the hardcore, keeping the base flat and level, before adding in your slabs.” 4.Treat slabs with care

There’s nothing more devastatin­g than damaging your slabs, before you’ve even had the chance to enjoy them. “When putting them in place, I’d advise using a soft mallet, such as one made of rubber, rather than a traditiona­l hammer” says Ross.

5.Utilise string

If you’re laying paving in straight lines, rather than in a random pattern, Sam says a string line can provide accurate and inexpensiv­e guidelines.

To make use of this tip, simply stake a tight line of string across your patio area, making sure it is level and in a straight line. Then you can begin laying your bricks or paving slabs snugly together in parallel with your line.

6.Always leave a gap between slabs Once laid, the patio should be left for around 24 hours to allow the bedding mortar to harden. Patio grout can then be applied. “I’d advise leaving a 1cm gap between the slabs,” says Sam. “A common mistake is putting the slabs next to each other, but you’ll need to leave space for patio grout.”

7.If you do make a mistake, wait

“If you’ve accidental­ly spilled some mortar, the best way to remove is to wait until it has hardened slightly,” advises Ross. “Then just scrape it off.”

 ??  ?? Take our tips for setting slabs
Take our tips for setting slabs
 ??  ?? Create your dream patio
Create your dream patio

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