Bath Chronicle

Woman suspects she was ‘spiked’ during night out

- Imogen Mcguckin

A 27-year-old woman believes she was spiked with a needle while on a night out in Bath.

The local, who wished to remain anonymous, went to Revolution on Saturday, November 20, with her fiance and his friend.

After dinner and a few drinks, she returned home where she was “violently and uncontroll­ably sick” before passing out.

The next day, when she woke up she had a strange bruise on her arm and a “pin-prick” that looked like it was made by a needle.

Describing the evening, the young woman said: “We went to the restaurant where we had tapas and a few drinks. I wasn’t completely sober but I felt fine and kept my jacket on the whole time. Then around 11pm we headed over to

Revolution. It was absolutely heaving and really horrible, to be honest. But because we had our friend with us, we wanted to give him a fun night out in Bath, so we stayed.

“We were there for a couple of hours, during which I had a few drinks and was aware of everything that was going on.”

“People were bumping into you constantly, but I don’t remember seeing or feeling anything suspicious.”

Around 1am, the woman walked home with her fiance.

“When I got home, I was uncontroll­ably and violently sick, then I passed out. It seemed excessive considerin­g I’d had a meal and just a few drinks.

“My fiance made sure I went to bed and he got me a bucket in case I was sick again. I think he was quite worried.”

The next day when she woke up, she realised she had a “sore arm” as well as the “biggest black bruise” she had ever seen.

“There was a little red pin-prick hole in the middle which seemed a bit weird.

“Obviously I have seen other people making these claims about spiking and sharing pictures, so I fished my top out of the washing basket and had a look at it.

“There was a little bit of blood and it was a satin shirt so it had spread quite a bit to form a pea-sized circle.

“I put it back on and the circle matched up with the pin-prick and the bruise,” she said.

The woman decided to contact her doctor for advice and said that the GP told her she was the second person in two weeks to say they had been spiked locally.

“I feel completely violated. I know you shouldn’t think this way, but I would prefer it if they had just spiked my drink.

“With needles, you have no idea where it’s been before and if it’s dirty or infected with something.

“I really want to let people know this is happening because I don’t want it to happen to anyone else.

“I thought I was safe because I was with guys and wasn’t on my own, but I got off lucky compared to some people.”

I really want to let people know this is happening because I don’t want it to happen to anyone else. I thought I was safe because I was with guys and wasn’t on my own.

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