Bath Chronicle

The Bible has all the answers to everything


I would like to adress a comment made by Nicholas Hales in last week’s edition of the Chronicle and I make no apologies for my submission­s being based on the Bible.

We all have opinions and free will but ultimately if you are a Christian you are trying to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ and therefore the Bible (not a story book full of myths and legends).

I put scriptures alongside because then readers know what my expression­s are based on – God’s thoughts not mine (Isaiah 55:9) and he is the highest source of wisdom not me. The Bible actually has ALL the answers to everything.

The Bible was written under inspiratio­n (2 Timothy 3:16,17) all its prophecies to date have come true and future ones guaranteed.

It has been preserved over time for a reason and reveals why things went wrong in the first place.

The whole theme of the Bible is based on “God’s Kingdom” (most know the words of the Lord’s/ Model prayer – Matthew 6:9,10 – where we are asking for this Kingdom to come) It is a heavenly government with a perfect ruler (Jesus Christ) and subjects who will be obedient to his direction (Daniel 2:44).

It gives hope and comfort and reassures millions that the planet is not going anywhere, peace and security imminent, no sickness or death and this arrangemen­t will be global very soon.

The attitudes of people are defined in 2 Timothy 3:1-5. Jesus also foretold (In Luke 21: 10,11) that there would be pestilence­s, earthquake­s, food shortages and nations going against nations.

It lists world powers that have come and gone too.

True Christians will be hated but then so was Jesus and he warned that this will happen to his followers but the rewards for following him and being loyal to direction guarantees a future where there will be no wickedness, sickness or death. This will involve self sacrifice but actually long term we are missing out on nothing and the rewards will be endless.

The Bible is definitely not a book to just leave on the shelf gathering dust. A Bible falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t.

Sue Pilgrim

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