Bath Chronicle

Bible study brings hope and comfort


You can feel safe in a troubled world – how?

Why would I want to study the Bible – I’m far too busy to spend time reading such an old, out of date book full of good stories, myths and legends so can I really trust what it says?

The Bible is unique because it is the only book written under the inspiratio­n of God (2 Timothy 3:16,17) and beneficial. It gives answers to many questions and gives life a purpose and a meaning.

Studying it brings comfort, hope for the future and gives inner peace of mind and heart.

It stabilises our thinking and behaviour (Jeremiah 29:11). It has been preserved for good reason (Isaiah 40:8) and gives us confidence and good direction on how to cope with daily living, gives us a balanced view of money and material things, work and ourselves.

People are suffering from a crisis of confidence and doubt that politician­s, scientists, business men really have their best interests at heart. Do they really care about ME? They don’t even know me.

The world has also lost confidence and respect for religion and that has made people sceptical about the book they CLAIM to represent.

How can we have confidence in the author of the Bible and its contents? Three main reasons are (1) Accuracy of text (2) Fulfilment of prophecy (3) Changes lives and available to everyone in whole or in part.

The Bible points to God’s Kingdom as the solution for the earth – it is a heavenly global government, its King is Jesus Christ and the subjects of the Kingdom will be united under the arrangemen­t throughout the world.

The Lord’s prayer asks for this “Kingdom to come” and it will and we are living in what the Bible refers to as “the last days” albeit the earth itself will be safe and restored to its original condition for obedient mankind.

If you would like to study the Bible and learn more about why things are the way they are, why God isn’t acting right now to remove suffering please ask any questions you like and I will do Bible research for you.

Watch this space for more details on the three reasons why you can trust the Bible.

Sue Pilgrim

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