Bath Chronicle



This two-speed crossword has two sets of clues, but just one grid. If you can’t solve the Cryptic clues, try the Quick.



1. Food multiplied by itself? (6,4)

7. Absolutely correct former deed (5)

8. Perplex – minus, perhaps? (7)

10. Pass on: worker has fallen (4,4)

11. Was fuddled and muddle-headed (but didn’t go down!) (4)

13. Distant meteor (6)

15. Looped round a dog (6)

17. A length of thin chain (4)

18. Halite will sway experience­d sailor (4,4)

21. Gossiping about big bang (7)

22. Assumed truth to be a team got the doctor back (5)

23. Delay Peter again and again (10)


1. Health resort in European country (5)

2. Ready for engagement, being right in the fashion (2,2,4)

3. Fame in the theatre now needed (6)

4. It wouldn’t make money if you put pepper on it! (4)

5. Let everybody be in debt (7)

6. Fish from commune, perhaps, used to create a diversion (3,7)

9. When one can see an adder? (10)

12. Cut three feet from naval establishm­ent (8)

14. Grisly horse goes round taxi (7)

16. Initially father should have done battle (6)

19. May possibly go round it in friendline­ss (5)

20. An excellent punishment! (4)

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