Bath Chronicle

Plans could make Milsom Street bland


Yesterday I looked for the first time at the latest plans to reconfigur­e Milsom Street and the surroundin­g area.

While some parts are undoubtedl­y excellent, there’s a danger one of Europe’s most elegant shopping streets could be turned into the most sterile, pedestrian­ised shopping mall of the sort that has totally destroyed historic centres up and down the land.

I am sure this has been conceived with the best will in the world but Bath has a unique, precious aesthetic: identikit urban design playbooks really don’t work.

Milsom Street has already been

subjected to scrubby, inappropri­ate plants, ugly road reconfigur­ing and random bits of jarring apparatus.

The addition of the hilariousl­y over-ordered Voi scooters littering the place has only added to things: whatever their practical or environmen­tal merits, they’re unbelievab­ly tatty bits of kit.

This is surely a fabulous opportunit­y to make Milsom Street beautiful again; let’s make sure it doesn’t turn into yet another bland, characterl­ess high street with street food.

Oliver Hylton Wellsway, Bath

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