BBC History Magazine


Q& A and quiz


Try your hand at this month’s history quiz

1. Who had a painful encounter with ‘ Little Jock’ Elliot in Liddesdale, Scotland in October 1566?

2. Who were the adversarie­s in the Flagstaff War of 1845– 46?

3. Who wrote The History of England By a Partial, Prejudiced and Ignorant Historian in 1791?

4. The first in England was Waverley; the first in Scotland was Melrose. Which was the first in Wales?

5. What is Admiral Jervis reputed to have said when quizzed about the possibilit­y of a French invasion during the Napoleonic Wars?

6. This late Neolithic or early Bronze Age stone stands in Rudston churchyard, East Yorkshire. What is its claim to fame?

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