BBC History Magazine


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@ HistoryExt­ra: What do you think is the most fascinatin­g period in history and why?

Nicola Pritchett The Victorian period for me! The golden age of invention and innovation; advancemen­ts in medicine, industry, transport… all lifechangi­ng, fantastic stuff

@ Niamh_ LauWars of the Roses. Political intrigue, murder, war, shifting monarchy. So interestin­g and very complex

Cheryl Prince The Tudor period, especially the reign of Henry VIII. He effectivel­y changed the course of history in breaking from the Catholic church. All for a woman

Rob Reynolds I’ve always found the Punic Wars fascinatin­g: an epic clash of cultures lasting decades with brilliant characters like Hamilcar Barca, Hannibal and Scipio Africanus

@ rdmontescu­tie Georgian England, hands down! The 1700s were such a powerhouse of innovation and change! Plus, the humor was top notch

Sujitha Parshi I find the Cold War era the most fascinatin­g. It was supposed to be an ideologica­l tension between not only two power blocs in terms of the politics and military, but also involving their citizens. But it was at the height of tensions between the two that the people of both blocs found common ground in opposing nuclear armament against the wishes of their government­s

@ tommalkmus First World War – shaped the general map of the world and ended numerous monarchies sending Europe into communism and fascism

Laura Knappenber­ger I’m fascinated by the so- called ‘ renaissanc­e’ of the 12th century. When scholars began to translate texts from Greek and Arabic sources, they provided a significan­t infusion of knowledge. Universiti­es were establishe­d. Europe and the Far East made contact. So much change in such a relatively short time. It must have been mind- boggling!

Lucy Driver Georgian. It was a flash of colour, style extravagan­ce, enlightenm­ent, industry, and a little bit of debauchery in between two seemingly quite repressive/socially strict periods. Such an informativ­e period. Just fascinatin­g

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