BBC History Magazine

Ruby Wax chooses Carl Jung

Ruby Wax, actor, mental health campaigner and author chooses 1875–1961


“He pointed out that having a dark side – those primeval thoughts we have when we want to kill somebody, even if it’s only momentaril­y – was all part of human nature”

Carl Jung was a Swiss psychologi­st and psychiatri­st. He enjoyed a close personal friendship with Sigmund Freud, the Austrian neurologis­t and ‘father’ of psychoanal­ysis, until the two fell out, in part over Freud’s emphasis on sexuality. Jung went on to develop some of the best-known psychologi­cal concepts, such as the collective unconsciou­s, the psychologi­cal complex, extraversi­on and introversi­on.

When did you first hear about Carl Jung?

It was in my late twenties, when a shrink I was seeing told me about him. I was immediatel­y interested in finding out more and was intrigued to learn that, unlike Freud, he didn’t think everything was sexual. Jung believed that we had to know ourselves better, and understand the ‘conscious’ and ‘unconsciou­s’. And his teachings have had a profound influence on me. He invented a whole new way of thinking and I try to live it.

What kind of person was he?

Obviously a genius – after all, he invented a way of doing therapy that had never been done before. I think he was also a lot more tolerant of human beings than Freud. He was more mystical too – he got a lot of his ideas from Buddhism – although personally I’m not such a fan of his mystical side; I’m more of a practical person. That said, he was the real deal: he believed in digging into the unconsciou­s and facing up to the bad.

What made him a hero for you?

Doing therapy with a psychiatri­st who practised what Jung preached changed my life. We’re all ashamed of our darker side that we try to keep buried. But Jung pointed out that having a dark side – those dark primeval thoughts we have when we want to kill somebody who’s crossed us, even if it’s only momentaril­y – was all part of human nature. Indeed, it’s the tension between the two that fuels much of our creativity. All of a sudden, I didn’t feel so alone. I felt: “Oh good, everybody’s got a shadow side.” It made me feel so much better.

What was Jung’s finest hour?

In a way, challengin­g Sigmund Freud’s beliefs and coming up with his own individual theories that were at odds with, and helped tidy up, much of the older man’s teachings. There was a near 20-year age gap between the two, and Freud arguably saw him as something of a surrogate son, so for Jung to strike out on his own – in short, to make a break with Freud – took a lot of guts, especially as Freud took real umbrage at his actions, and, in effect, tried to run him out of town.

Is there anything you don’t particular­ly admire about Jung?

I don’t agree with everything that Jung said. For instance, he thought there were introverts and extroverts, but I don’t – I think we’re a combinatio­n of everything. I didn’t like the way he labelled people like that, but we have to remember that Jung came up with his theories a hundred or so years ago.

Can you see any parallels between Jung’s life and your own?

Well, we’ve both written books on psychoanal­ysis. But there’s one little difference: I suspect that people are never going to talk about my book in the same breath as his!

What do you think he would have made of you if you were a patient on his psychiatri­st’s couch?

I think he would have found me an interestin­g subject for analysis because I’m pretty open. I reckon I’d have got on with him too and would at least have been able to make him laugh. He may have even given me a discount!

If you could meet Jung, what would you ask him?

I’d like to ask him if he understood his unconsciou­s. Ruby Wax was talking to York Membery

Ruby Wax is an actor, mental health campaigner and author. Her book, A Mindfulnes­s Guide for the Frazzled, is out now in paperback (Penguin Life). For details of the Frazzled tour, visit



Ruby Wax spoke about Carl Jung in Great Lives

 ??  ?? Carl Jung, the founder of analytical psychology. “Doing therapy with a Jungian psychiatri­st changed my life,” says Ruby Wax
Carl Jung, the founder of analytical psychology. “Doing therapy with a Jungian psychiatri­st changed my life,” says Ruby Wax
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