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The historian Dan Snow revealed that he told his daughters that women flew Spitfires in combat during World War Two . Is it ever right to alter history for children?

Joseph Ferriera I teach modern history at a high school. I send home permission slips when tackling topics with brutal images (eg the Holocaust), but I refuse to shield students from them, as they need to learn how to deal with them.

James Bennett No and yes... there are some parts of history which are too grim for a young audience. War is a hard subject to tackle and my five-year- old struggles to understand why war happens.

John Scanlon If you paper over something, or paint a nice gloss on historical truth with the best of intentions, it’ll lead to a nasty shock down the line when it comes to light.

Zoë Morgan As a mother of an 11-year- old daughter, I think it’s wrong. If you teach girls that women were not valued in the past – and that, even today, being a woman is harder than a man – it creates strong and confident women.

Robert Cains Keep it factual, as far as one can, and keep it accurate. There’s enough fake history around without airbrushin­g it.

Maureen Permelia I have younger kids so I’m vague about certain topics but I never flat out lie.

@ OldRoberts­953 No. It’s an underestim­ation of the intelligen­ce of children; they require correct informatio­n to orientate themselves in the world; it’s vital for them to understand that life is challengin­g.

@ Carpheyden­im I read about the horrors of the Nazi and Soviet camps as a child. Omitting informatio­n will allow these horrible acts to be repeated.

Barbara Ayres I would avoid telling anything to my child I didn’t think they were ready for.

@ CharlieBon­a2 History is written by the victors and is not always a true reflection of events. Some histories are for adults only as the realities are too much for children.

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