BBC History Magazine

Thomas Cranmer meets a fiery end

Mary Tudor has the architect of the English Reformatio­n put to death


Thedeath of Thomas Cranmer was one of the most dramatic in all English history. Under Henry VIII and Edward VI, Cranmer had been the driving force in the English Reformatio­n, pushing through a revolution in the nation’s religious and political life. But under the Catholic Mary I, his fortunes changed. In September 1553, he was arrested and sent to the Tower of London. Tried for treason and heresy, Cranmer was sentenced to death. With Mary determined to make an example of him, not even his increasing­ly frantic recantatio­ns could save him.

Cranmer’s burning was scheduled for 21 March 1556, but Mary agreed that he could make a final recantatio­n in Oxford’s University Church beforehand. Cranmer duly mounted the pulpit, armed with the grovelling sermon he had agreed with his gaolers. But then, suddenly, he veered from the script. His earlier recantatio­ns, he said, had been “contrary to the truth which I thought in my heart, and written for fear of death, and to save my life”. The hand that had written such words would soon be punished, “for if I may come to the fire, it shall be first burned. And as for the pope, I refuse him, as Christ’s enemy and Antichrist, with all his false doctrine.”

Dragged to the stake, Cranmer remained remarkably composed. Cranmer had a “cheerful countenanc­e and willing mind”, reported one witness. As promised, he put his hand into the fire first, saying loudly: “This hand hath offended.” And even as the flames consumed his body, his calm and courage made a great impression on the crowds. In death, Protestant­ism’s champion had won his greatest victory.

 ??  ?? A 1563 woodcut of Thomas Cranmer being burned at the stake from John Foxe’s Book of Martyrs. Mary Tudor was determined to make an example of the Protestant cleric
A 1563 woodcut of Thomas Cranmer being burned at the stake from John Foxe’s Book of Martyrs. Mary Tudor was determined to make an example of the Protestant cleric

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