BBC History Magazine


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Following the success of period films and series such as The Favourite and

Call the Midwife, which event or period from history would you like to see dramatised next? @ hisdoryan I’m always surprised about the lack of dramas about Bess of Hardwick considerin­g the potential there ( strong female roles aplenty, scandal, plots etc). @ ruthjoycea­rt Isabella of France, the so- called She-Wolf of France, and wife of Edward II – her story involving Roger Mortimer, Edward II and Edward III. @ MattLewisA­uthor The Wars of the Roses. Given a long- term, deep and accurate treatment, it would be like Game of Thrones on steroids. @ KateWillia­msme Josephine and Napoleon! @ simplyjaye Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine and their ‘devil’s brood’. It ’s a period of history that had everything. @ rivers_ allison5 As long as it’s not the Tudors, I’d be interested! Eleanor of Aquitaine, Queen Matilda and Kathryn Swynford were fascinatin­g women. @ politicdor­mouse The Rebecca Riots in south-west Wales. Men dressing up as women (‘ the daughters of Rebecca’), farmers smashing toll road gates in a grassroots protest against the treatment of the poor by the rich. @ johnnyP_ NCFC The barbaric transporta­tion of petty thieves and Irish nationalis­ts to Australia, van Diemen’s Land and especially Norfolk Island is an unbelievab­ly rich subject for dramatisat­ion. @ hollerella After watching the BBC Icons segment on Helen Keller, definitely more about her. She was one inspiring lady. @ HikingHist­orian I always thought the Mitfords would be perfect for a series. Such interestin­g sisters. @ Lady_ B_ Crawford The Russian Revolution – it had such profound effects for much of the 20th century and yet there’s very little out there on it in terms of dramatisat­ions.

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