BBC History Magazine

Opening the BBC’s archives

- BBa eenome nrogramme Explorer

+f [ouoXe eXer Yondered Yhether the $$% has coXered a Rarticular asRect of histor[ helR is at hand Yith the launch of the corRoratio­nos neY online 2rogramme 'ZRlorer +t alloYs [ou to search more than

Rrogrammes from across $$% 68 and radio as Yell as eRisodes from the $$% 5ounds Rodcast serXice

+tos a York in Rrogress so there are caXeats s itos not comRrehens­iXe and skeYed toYards both radio and more recent fare s but itos still a Xaluable Ya[ to taR into a huge catalogue of toR class material much of Yhich is aXailable to Yatch or listen to Xia $$% 5ounds and i2la[er # search for n#\tecso for instance [ields eRisodes of both 0eil /ac)regoros classic radio series A History of the World in 100 Objects and the more recent )reg ,enner fronted You’re Dead to Me

2art of the $$%os )enome archiXing RroLect the tool has been deXeloRed in resRonse to the ongoing coronaXiru­s Randemic +tos Rart of a Yider initiatiXe to make more of the $$% archiXe Rublicl[ aXailable in the lead uR to its centenar[ in

 ??  ?? alaire Foy stars as Anne Boleyn in the TV adaptation of Wolf Hall. A new service enables you to search for more than 200,000 $$%|RTQITCOOGU QPNKPG
alaire Foy stars as Anne Boleyn in the TV adaptation of Wolf Hall. A new service enables you to search for more than 200,000 $$%|RTQITCOOGU QPNKPG

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