BBC History Magazine

Neandertha­l in the mirror

Rebecca Wragg Sykes argues that the ever evolving ways in which we have depicted leandertha­ls in art over the past OS0 years reveal just as much about us as them


Rebecca Wragg Sykes on our changing perception­s of these ancient humans

Like the discovery of radio waves and new galaxies, Neandertha­ls had a dramatic impact on our culture

Nobody alive today remembers a time before we knew the Neandertha­ls. Yet their discovery happened very recently in the wider context of human history – barely five generation­s back. 1856 is the official Neandertha­l “ground zero”, when bones materialis­ed in a cloud of clay clods and black powder from the Feldhofer cave, near Düsseldorf in Germany.

This was the first recognised find. Nearly three decades earlier, a Neandertha­l skull-top had been discovered in a Belgian cave, but its unusual anatomy was less obvious because it was a child. In 1848 yet another skull emerged, this time from near the Forbes military battery on Gibraltar. This nearly became the “type” fossil for the species. But its true significan­ce only became clear just after the Feldhofer find had been given a scientific moniker: Homo neandertha­lensis, after the Neander “thal” (valley), where it was discovered.

But the Forbes skull ( 1 ), which belonged to a Neandertha­l woman who lived around 90,000 years ago, does have a first to its name, as the subject of the earliest reconstruc­tion of a hominin fossil. On 19 July 1864, just a few days after the skull had arrived in England by ship, biologist Thomas Huxley sketched “Homo Hercules columarum” ( 2 ), or Pillars of Hercules man, a reference to the classical name for the Rock of Gibraltar. Based on the skull, Huxley envisioned ape-like features including a hairy pelt (skin) and a short tail. Strikingly, there are long feet with opposable toes (also an ape-like feature).

“Homo Hercules columarum” will go down in history as the world’s first reconstruc­tion of a Neandertha­l. It was, of course, far from the last. From the 1860s onwards, imaginatio­ns bloomed and artistic interpreta­tions started multiplyin­g. In the century and a half since Huxley drew the Forbes woman, anatomists, authors and artists have produced hugely diverse depictions of this human species – everything from threatenin­g brutes rendered on canvas to hyper-realistic digital portraits. This diversity is a reflection of both the evolution of artistic tastes and our growing knowledge of how the Neandertha­ls lived, inspired by archaeolog­ical discoverie­s. But, crucially, it is also a manifestat­ion of the way in which they force us, as fellow humans, to reconsider ourselves.

In search of culture

For all its status as a “first”, “Homo Hercules columarum” wasn’t entirely original. In fact, it bore a resemblanc­e to an illustrati­on published in 1838 by Pierre Boitard in Magasin Universel: “L’homme fossile” ( 3 ). Despite being portrayed as a kind of “missing link” to other apes, “L’homme fossile” sports a carnivore’s pelt and carries a wooden-handled stone axe.

Perhaps the most “civilised” of the early visions of the Neandertha­ls was that by Ernest Griset in Harper’s Weekly, 1873 ( 4 ). The presence of (minimal) clothing in the form of a worked animal skin and a hafted stone axe are reminiscen­t of “L’homme fossile”, but significan­tly the body is upright, and there’s no hint of hairy skin. Aside from a woman lying despondent­ly in the cave’s rear, there are two apparently domesticat­ed dogs next to a finely crafted stone-tipped spear.

Griset’s illustrati­on was somewhat speculativ­e – it wasn’t until the 1880s that Neandertha­l bones were actually excavated in associatio­n with stone artefacts. From that point onwards, it was certain that, as Griset seems to have surmised, Neandertha­ls did have culture.

The impact of the discovery of Neandertha­ls beyond the scientific sphere in the second half of the 19th century and onwards should not be underestim­ated. Along with other reality-shaking discoverie­s – radio waves, electro-magnetism, the existence of galaxies beyond our own – it had a dramatic impact on culture. Not only was the age of the Earth vastly greater than once conceived, but the feet of other types of human had once walked the land. This all fed into the mélange of excitement and existentia­l anxiety that underlay the nascent genre of science fiction and fantasy literature.

Within two decades of the Feldhofer finding, novels featuring prehistori­c humans began appearing, meeting the appetite of a society struggling to situate itself in cosmologic­al terms. And interestin­gly, cross-overs can be seen in other ways: some of the same artists illustrati­ng popular science books featuring Neandertha­ls were also producing art for Jules Verne’s novels Journey to the Centre of the Earth (1864) and From the Earth to the Moon (1865).

By the first decades of the 20th century, artistic interpreta­tions of Neandertha­ls were

splitting into different visions. Marcel Boule, an eminent anatomist, studied one of the first “in-situ” Neandertha­l skeletons, from La Chapelle-aux-Saints, France. His 1911 publicatio­n not only provided the first full anatomical guide to their skeletons, but also included the Edwardian version of 3D graphics: stereo photograph­s allowed readers to transcend the flat pages and meet the gaze of those vast, empty eye-sockets.

The artist Franz Kupka produced an immensely influentia­l reconstruc­tion of this Neandertha­l, known as the “Old Man” ( 5 ), in 1909. It envisioned a gorilla-like, stooped creature with bared teeth and a hefted branch or bone. Though Kupka apparently collaborat­ed with Boule, his Neandertha­l’s feet are overly ape-like; this is more akin to a missing link than a near relation.

Just two years later, the “Old Man” also appeared in the Illustrate­d London News. Commission­ed by another expert, Arthur Keith, this image showcased a different perspectiv­e. Keith’s vision of Neandertha­ls was not as dead-end failures, but as our ancestors, and the result was an almost domestic Neandertha­l with a sizeable but tidy beard, sitting carefully making tools by a blazing fire, complete with jewellery.

Around the same time, reflecting the contempora­ry influence of white supremacy, including eugenics, distinctly racialised images of Neandertha­ls began to emerge. This is most explicit in a colour illustrati­on ( 6 ) from the book Leben und Heimat des Urmenschen, written by

Ludwig Wilser, a German popularise­r of race science and ardent Aryanist. Published the year after Kupka’s reconstruc­tion, this Neandertha­l is similarly bent over, but also has a primitive divergent toe. Beneath its fur, the skin colour is brown, while head hair and beard are both tightly curled. This is intended to be read as a black person. What’s more, there are no cultural items – the Neandertha­l is simply carrying a branch and boulder.

Another of the most bestial depictions of the Neandertha­ls appeared just two years later in a book by Henry Knipe. Here a small family group, once again hairy and darkskinne­d, huddle against a cliff looking both petrified and aggressive. The female holds an infant and stick, the male a rock.

A lack of “spark”

By the end of the 1920s, Neandertha­ls had made the transition from books to exhibition halls, as the subject of a large-scale diorama (scene) in Chicago’s Field Museum. Made by the sculptor Frederick Blaschke ( 7 ), the bodies of a number of Neandertha­ls are gorgeously realistic, even beautiful. Blaschke took some care, too, to represent the archaeolog­ical evidence, with one woman working animal hides using a stone tool. Yet what’s most arresting about these embodied Neandertha­ls is their lack of “spark”. The postures are mostly passive, even dejected; their expression­s downcast or vacant. They do not resemble beings at home in the world, and look as if they’re waiting for their own extinction.

And it’s this very theme that came to the fore after the Second World War when exterminat­ion of those classed as subhuman had been industrial­ised. William Golding’s novel The Inheritors (1955) presents us as aggressors, spreading through the world. His gentle Neandertha­l protagonis­t, Lok, describes the incomers as: “…like a famished wolf in the hollow of a tree… They are like the river and the fall… nothing stands against them.”

Relatively peaceable Neandertha­ls also began appearing in mid-20th-century art. Czech artist Zdeněk Burian not only had them hunting small game, but also managed to make a cannibalis­m scene ( 8 ) appear as a calm response to death, rather than murderous carnage. In Burian’s painting, the Neandertha­ls are still noticeably darkskinne­d. It’s possible this was being drawn from anthropolo­gy itself, since theories that it had taken non-white human races longer to become “sapiens” persisted through the 1960s and beyond.

It was actually one notable proponent of this idea, Carleton Coon, who was responsibl­e for what became something of a “meme” in Neandertha­l reconstruc­tions: dressing them in modern clothing. His sketch, in a 1939 book, of a male sporting business attire and a hat, was echoed in 1957 by anatomists William Straus and AJE Cave who stated that if a Neandertha­l was “reincarnat­ed and placed in a New York subway – provided that he were bathed, shaved and dressed in modern clothing – it is doubtful whether he would attract any more attention than some

Theories that it took non-white human races longer to become “sapiens” persisted into the 1960s

of its other denizens”. In the 1990s, a sculpture for the Neandertha­l Museum, Germany was presented in a suit, complete with newspaper in his pocket.

As the 20th century wore on, however, archaeolog­y itself began to mature, with better excavation and recording, and increased use of scientific methods for dating and analysis. This filtered out from academia, and began altering how the public perceived Neandertha­ls more widely.

Deep plant lore

By the 1980s Jean Auel’s hugely popular Earth’s Children novels were portraying Neandertha­ls not as inherently violent, but as compassion­ate and knowledgea­ble with a hybrid gestural-vocal language, and deep plant lore. The epic story begins when Iza, a Neandertha­l woman, rescues Ayla, a young Homo sapiens girl who is near death. In doing so, she forces us to see ourselves through different eyes: “Peculiar looking little thing, she thought. Rather ugly in a way. Her face is so flat with that high bulging forehead, and little stub of a nose, and what a strange bony knob beneath her mouth... And so thin, I can feel her bones... Iza put her arm around the girl protective­ly.”

Meanwhile, in the genre of “palaeoart”, illustrato­rs such as Mauricio Antón began homing in on the individual­ity of Neandertha­ls, as well as underlinin­g the social worlds in which they lived.

Since 2000 the gap between us and Neandertha­ls has shrunk further. The latest research (see page 71) suggests that they were top hunters with diverse diets, technologi­cally sophistica­ted and innovative, dealt with the dead in varying ways and appear to have had an aesthetic interest in materials like pigment. It’s fascinatin­g, then, that as they have come closer to us behavioura­lly, one of the most dramatic changes in reconstruc­tions from the past 20 years is the direction of gaze. Rather than us observing Neandertha­ls, they now stare back at us. Even more, they increasing­ly appear confident, even happy. Dutch palaeoarti­sts Adrie and Alfons Kennis were responsibl­e for the first smiling sculpture, based on the original Feldhofer find. A later Kennis brothers work, from 2016, extends this emotional theme, representi­ng the adult woman from Forbes Quarry, Gibraltar ( 9 ). Her eyes crinkle as she smiles contentedl­y (even proudly), embraced around the hips by a young boy. Partly

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A smiling Neandertha­l sculpted by palaeoarti­sts Adrie and Alfons Kennis in 2012. While members of this human species were once widely portrayed as vacant or brutish, now they cQnfiFGntN[ hQNF QWT ga\G
Snap happy A smiling Neandertha­l sculpted by palaeoarti­sts Adrie and Alfons Kennis in 2012. While members of this human species were once widely portrayed as vacant or brutish, now they cQnfiFGntN[ hQNF QWT ga\G
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 ??  ?? Frederick Blaschke’s Neandertha­ls, exhibited from the late 1920s, are “mostly passive, even dejected”
Frederick Blaschke’s Neandertha­ls, exhibited from the late 1920s, are “mostly passive, even dejected”
 ??  ?? 5 Franz Kupka’s “Old Man” (1909) portrays a stooped, Gorilla-like creature. 6 By the time Ludwig Wilser described Neandertha­ls as having brown skin and tightly curled hair (shown in this 1910 image), many depictions were reflecting racist stereotype­s
5 Franz Kupka’s “Old Man” (1909) portrays a stooped, Gorilla-like creature. 6 By the time Ludwig Wilser described Neandertha­ls as having brown skin and tightly curled hair (shown in this 1910 image), many depictions were reflecting racist stereotype­s
 ??  ?? <den M $Wrianos painting from 19 2 oʘers a sympatheti­c portrayal of Neandertha­ls practising cannibalis­m “It appears as a calm response to death, rather than murderous carnage,” writes Rebecca Wragg Sykes
<den M $Wrianos painting from 19 2 oʘers a sympatheti­c portrayal of Neandertha­ls practising cannibalis­m “It appears as a calm response to death, rather than murderous carnage,” writes Rebecca Wragg Sykes
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5elf assWrance, eXen contentmen­t, emanate from this 201 -ennis scWlptWre of a woman and child

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