BBC History Magazine

The ‘badass’ icon


A Dirty, Filthy Book: Sex, Scandal, and One Woman’s Fight in the Victorian Trial of the Century by Michael Meyer

WH Allen, 400 pages, £25

One of the problems with biography, if an author is not careful, is that it can quickly become hagiograph­y. Although Michael Meyer attempts to steer clear of this,

A Dirty Filthy Book can’t help but fall under the sway of its subject, the pioneering birth control activist and social reformer, Annie Besant (1847–1933). An establishe­d icon in birth control history, Besant is long overdue wider public recognitio­n. Focusing on her trial (alongside the radical politician Charles Bradlaugh) for the publicatio­n of Fruits of Philosophy – a sex education guide for the masses – Meyer interweave­s Besant’s multifacet­ed life into an engaging prose, full of intriguing details.

It is, in many ways, a love letter to Bradlaugh and Besant’s relationsh­ip, which directly shaped the society we have today through its impact on radical politics – atheism, suʘrage, trade unions and, of course, sex education.

It is not, however, without error. One of Meyer’s more outlandish claims is that Lord Melbourne brought servant girls into Windsor Castle so he could indulge his passion for ʚagellatio­n. That Melbourne enLoyed a good whipping is no secret, but not, I believe, inside the hallowed home of the queen. Most disappoint­ing, however, is the lack of any acknowledg­ement of Besant’s involvemen­t with the paedophili­c theosophis­t Charles Leadbeater. Evidence of her attempts to protect him sit in the British Library, deeply dishearten­ing reading for anyone who seeks to idolise her. Women deserve, as Meyer says, their ‘badass’ icons, but not at the expense of accurate history. Ignoring the complexity of the past, in the desire to proclaim someone as inspiratio­nal, only does us all a disservice.

'ven with these ʚaws, Annie $esant herself leaps oʘ the page. She is bold and courageous – a leading figure in the fight for female knowledge and sex education in the Victorian era.

Fern Riddell, author of Sex: Lessons from History (Hodder, 2022)

 ?? ?? $orn rCFicCN The “bold, courageous” Annie Besant (top, third right) with members of the London match girls strike committee in 1888
$orn rCFicCN The “bold, courageous” Annie Besant (top, third right) with members of the London match girls strike committee in 1888
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