BBC History Magazine

Discoverin­g the startling truth

JOHN VAN WYHE hails an exploratio­n of the 19th-century debate over the Earth’s origins, which finds that scientists and men of god were often singing from the same hymn sheet


Human beings have existed on this planet for many millennia. But only in the 19th century was the startling truth about the history of the world and our origins gradually uncovered. The story of how these profound changes in our understand­ing unfolded is sadly not as well known today as it should be. Enter Michael Taylor’s new book, Impossible Monsters.

As Taylor sets out, Charles Darwin did not present the theory of evolution to a public that was horrified at the idea that the world was not 6,000 years old and that living things had not been created by God all at once. Educated people already knew this. Geology and palaeontol­ogy were the hottest sciences in the early 19th century. The cumulative investigat­ion of the Earth – and an ever burgeoning haul of fossils – ensured that the story of the Earth’s history was essentiall­y the same in outline back then as it is today.

So, before Darwin entered the story, Christian geologists had already discovered that the world was ancient beyond imaginatio­n and that there had never been a global flood. It was these pious scholars who discovered that living things had progressiv­ely become more complex over geological time. First there had been sea shells, later fish, then reptiles and finally mammals had appeared.

It’s true that evolutiona­ry ideas had long been frowned upon, but by the time Darwin conceived of his own in the 1830s, naturalist­ic means for explaining the origins of species was an option on the table. There was no fear of ostracism or persecutio­n. Within 20 years of publicatio­n, Darwin’s On the Origin of Species had made evolution no longer disreputab­le speculatio­n but scientific fact.

By the 1870s, then, the debate in science was over. And yet, Taylor is quick to remind us, almost all of the people convinced of this remained religious. How can that be? Because

Many religious people accepted that God had made the laws of nature and that Darwin’s natural selection was one of these laws

evolution was not a deal-breaker for them. Many of them were happy to accept that God had made the laws of nature and Darwin’s natural selection was one of these laws.

Taylor’s book is good at telling this story – and giving some of the less well-known players more than the usual short shrift. James Ussher, Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland from 1625–56, is often ridiculed as the person who counted up all the ‘begats’ in the Bible to conclude that the world was created in 4004 BC. That would make the world only about 6,000 years old. But Ussher was no fool and, using what was sophistica­ted scholarshi­p for his time, made his own estimate among other competing theories. His theory ultimately prevailed and that, as Taylor points out, is how the English Bible came to have a footnote giving the date for the first line of Genesis: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the Earth.”

Impossible Monsters also shines a light on Mary Anning, the Dorset woman whose discoverie­s of giant fossil marine reptiles shocked the world. Thanks to Taylor, we get a sense of who Anning was – and even learn that she was well aware of the significan­ce of her findings.

It’s observatio­ns such as this that make Impossible Monsters such an attractive book. While not based on the latest scholarly literature, it is a sympatheti­c, charming and beautifull­y written guide through a pivotal part of history.

John van Wyhe is author of Dispelling the Darkness: Voyage in the Malay Archipelag­o and the Discovery of Evolution by Wallace and Darwin (WSP, 2013)

 ?? ?? Ageing process A 15 million-year-old ammonite discovered on Mauritius. “Before Darwin entered the story, Christian geologists had already discovered that the world was ancient beyond imaginatio­n,” writes John van Wyhe
Ageing process A 15 million-year-old ammonite discovered on Mauritius. “Before Darwin entered the story, Christian geologists had already discovered that the world was ancient beyond imaginatio­n,” writes John van Wyhe
 ?? ?? Impossible Monsters: Dinosaurs, Darwin and the War Between Science and Religion by Michael Taylor
Penguin, 496 pages, £25
Impossible Monsters: Dinosaurs, Darwin and the War Between Science and Religion by Michael Taylor Penguin, 496 pages, £25

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