BBC Wildlife Magazine


Polychaete­s are among the most diverse of all marine organisms.


Most polychaete worms are covered in hair-like bristles, so they also go by the name of bristle worms. They usually have well-developed jaws and each body segment has a pair of limb-like muscular protrusion­s. These ‘limbs’ can be used to crawl and burrow. In some species, such as green paddle worms, they have become flflattene­d into little oars, enabling the worms to actively swim around. With over 10,000 species of polychaete known, including the fearsome bobbit worms of BBC’s Blue Planet II, it’s a body plan that works well.

Light show

The purpose of these colours has long been debated, but recent investigat­ions into the nano-structure of the bristles and hairs have revealed the first known instance of natural photonic engineerin­g. Under an electron microscope, each filament is shown to be a hollow tube whose walls in turn comprise some 88 layers of

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