BBC Wildlife Magazine

Walk for wildlife


The wood near my home, just like every corner of the UK, has been in critical decline in terms of its species richness. Statistics such as a 90 per cent loss of turtle doves since 1970 have become normalised and lost meaning. In fact, we're in big trouble. We know about the declines and since the 70s we've developed an armoury of techniques to repair and restore our environmen­ts. Now we've got to make it happen. So here’s an invitation: join me on September 22 in London for the first People’s Walk for Wildlife. It’s not a demonstrat­ion, it’s a family-friendly walk and I’m going to provide a phone download of birdsong so as we walk we’ll replicate the sound of millions of lost birds to remind everyone of the scale. It’s up to us to act; to stand up and be counted and get things fixed.

Chris Packham: chrispackh­am.

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