BBC Wildlife Magazine

Can rainforest­s regenerate?


We’re still not entirely sure. In 1926, British colonists in Malaysia reseeded (with 15 tree species) an area that had been deforested by mining. A century on, the area looks and feels like a mature, primary forest. However, it hosts only 70 species of tree per hectare, compared to the 200 found in neighbouri­ng old-growth forest.

More recently, a study of 56 sites in tropical America tracked the fates of former agricultur­al land adjacent to old-growth

forests. Here, tree diversity naturally reached 80 per cent of the natural forests within 20 years, though the actual species present were rather different, and little is known about the recovery of the animal life or the myriad ecological interactio­ns.

That said, perhaps these experiment­s just haven’t run for long enough. There is evidence that areas of primary forest in both the Amazon and the Congo were cleared for agricultur­e in the more distant past. SB

 ??  ?? It’s still not known if rainforest­s can fully bounce back from clearance.
It’s still not known if rainforest­s can fully bounce back from clearance.

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