BBC Wildlife Magazine

Marine protection­s


It’s a sad truth – as concluded in James Fair’s review of the State of Nature 2019 (The current state of nature, November 2019). The ocean has been neglected by conservati­on authoritie­s in Britain, Ireland and most of the world. As stated by Jean-Luc Solandt (Truth or fiction? August 2019), there is only one Marine Conservati­on Zone in Britain (Lundy) that is a no-take zone.

A recent paper showed commercial fishing is common in most so-called Marine

Protected Areas (MPAs) elsewhere in Europe. Over threequart­ers of coastal countries have no marine reserves.

Too many countries call places MPAs, where they do not even intend for marine life to be ‘protected’ from legal killing; it’s the con in conservati­on. Overwhelmi­ng evidence shows that sport, artisanal and commercial fishing all selectivel­y remove top predators and result in altered food-webs and ecosystems.

Mark Costello, New Zealand

 ??  ?? Harbour porpoises are accidental­ly caught and killed by gillnets.
Harbour porpoises are accidental­ly caught and killed by gillnets.

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