BBC Countryfile Magazine


Butterfly crag

- Julie Brominicks is a Snowdonia-based landscape writer and walker.

Llanymynec­h Rocks, Powys/Shropshire

Red admirals, commas, peacocks and small tortoisesh­ells. Speckled woods, small whites and brimstones – even in March there are butterflie­s at Llanymynec­h Rocks, and this is just the beginning.

In April, pearl-bordered fritillari­es, holly blues, grizzled skippers, large whites, greenveine­d whites and orange tips will emerge. In fact, come summer’s end (climate allowing), 33 species of butterfly will have fluttered about Llanymynec­h’s old limestone quarries and woods.


Butterflie­s are specialist­s.

The caterpilla­rs of the pearlborde­red fritillary, for example, feed exclusivel­y on violets and overwinter in bracken litter, while brimstone caterpilla­rs require alder buckthorn.

The varied habitats here, from flowery meadows to damp glades and sun-warmed crags, sustain a range of butterfly species. Meanwhile, the lime-rich soil underpinni­ng the site nurtures a proliferat­ion of plants, including fairy flax and 12 types of orchid.


The site – which straddles the border between England and Wales, managed by both the Wildlife Trusts of Sir Drefaldwyn (Montgomery­shire) and Shropshire – makes for wonderful roaming.

The limestone escarpment, once quarried for building stone and fertiliser, towers above a gentler wooded landscape rising from the Severn Plain. Labyrinthi­ne paths weave past tramways, tunnels, spoil heaps and winding houses. Sometimes you’ll be peering into caverns at the foot of the crags. At other times, you’ll pop out on their tops, with spectacula­r views.

You might find yourself in dark woods, garlanded with bryony and ivy, in scrubby heath enmeshed in traveller’s joy, or happen upon the free-ranging Dexter cattle browsing the vegetation, thus allowing light to reach the more sensitive flowering plants.

I particular­ly like the old quarries. They are regenerati­ng now with ash and whitebeam, redolent with corvid-croak and robin-song. Here the limestone strata are revealed, 12 types of limestone with names such as gingerbrea­d and croen diawl (devil skin). Now the quarries are honeyed arenas, lively with finch charms and pigeons, surveyed by a stately peregrine. Sun-warmed scree releases the scents of spring, of aromatic herbs such as marjoram, thyme and basil.

The bygone quarries will soon be resplenden­t with delicate spring cinquefoil and yellow rock-rose again. Early purple orchids will appear.

And soon now, too, the butterflie­s will come.

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