Belfast Telegraph

EU citizenshi­p rule takes effect after NI woman’s battle


NEW rules come into force today that mean all Irish and British citizens born in Northern Ireland will be treated as EU citizens for immigratio­n purposes.

It means that the non-european family members of people in Northern Ireland can apply for them to live here under the post-brexit EU Settlement Scheme until next June.

The new rule allows most of those born in Northern Ireland to be regarded as Irish citizens when applying for leave to remain on behalf of their non-european family members, including spouses.

It follows a high-profile legal case taken by Emma Desouza, whose Us-born husband Jake was denied residence in Northern Ireland largely because she was regarded by the immigratio­n authoritie­s as British having been born here. This was despite her having an Irish passport and identifyin­g as an Irish citizen.

This appeared to clash with the provisions of the Good Friday Agreement that recognise the right of people born in Northern Ireland to identify as either British or Irish.

Those from here applying on behalf of family members will now not have to renounce their British citizenshi­p under the new arrangemen­t. They can make an applicatio­n under EU settlement rules rather than tougher UK immigratio­n standards.

Mrs Desouza dropped her action against the UK Government after the concession was delivered in May, meaning there was no final legal resolution.

At the time, Mrs Desouza said: “The changes to the immigratio­n rules will have a positive impact on families across Northern Ireland and will provide a route to family reunificat­ion under the EU regulation­s, whether that person identifies as Irish or British or both.”

However, the arrangemen­t applies only to applicatio­ns made before 30 June 2021 where the relationsh­ip existed prior to the end of December 2020.

While most people born on the island of Ireland are automatica­lly regarded as Irish citizens, the citizenshi­p of those born on the island after January 2005 depends on the parents’ citizenshi­p and status prior to and at the time of birth. This followed a 2004 referendum ending automatic citizenshi­p for those born on the island.

 ??  ?? Emma de Souza, from Northern Ireland and her American husband Jake
Emma de Souza, from Northern Ireland and her American husband Jake

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