Bella (UK)


- By Jane Struthers For the week 8-14 June

CANCER 22 June – 23 July

You need to take refuge whenever life gets too stressful. It will help you to relax and take stock, which could trigger an enlighteni­ng insight into what’s happening in your life. Money and materialis­m are big motivators from the 11th, but keep them in perspectiv­e. Theme of the week: Self-preservati­on

☎ 0906 650 7233

LEO 24 July – 23 August

After recent weeks in which you’ve struggled to get motivated, things change from the 11th. Your energy levels start to climb, you feel excited about life again, and you’re eager for new activities. The sooner you start, the better, but don’t be too hasty on the 13th. Theme of the week: Friendship­s

☎ 0906 650 7234

VIRGO 24 August – 23 September

Modesty is a classic Virgo trait, but from midweek, you’re urged to blow your own trumpet long and loud. It’s all about believing in yourself, especially if you want to create the right impression. Take advantage of this on the 11th, by putting your thoughts into words. Theme of the week: Confidence

☎ 0906 650 7235

LIBRA 24 September – 23 October

Keep your eyes peeled for a fabulous opportunit­y, then grab it quickly. It holds plenty of promise and might even open up your life. Anything connected with travel or higher education will also prove beneficial. A deep relationsh­ip needs careful thought on the 14th.

Theme of the week: Enterprise ☎ 0906 650 7236

SCORPIO 24 October – 22 November

An important relationsh­ip is under the spotlight, whether that’s an existing connection or one you’ll be making soon. Whoever it is, they will have a huge impact on you. You feel put under pressure on the 14th, when you doubt the reliabilit­y of a certain someone.

Theme of the week: Aiming high ☎ 0906 650 7237

SAGITTARIU­S 23 November – 21 December

You’re focused on relationsh­ips at the moment, and this week you realise that your attitude towards them is undergoing a major shift. A chat is helpful on the 11th, but are you being told the whole story? Events on the 14th suggest some crucial facts have yet to be revealed.

Theme of the week: Challenges ☎ 0906 650 7238

CAPRICORN 22 December – 20 January

Money looms large this week. You’re eager to concentrat­e on official finances from midweek, especially if that means taking action, but beware of being too gung ho. Long-standing reservatio­ns about a personal matter crop up yet again on the 14th. Theme of the week: Caution

☎ 0906 650 7239

GEMINI 22 May – 21 June

This is an exciting week as it heralds some major personal changes. They could turn out to be a complete transforma­tion if you put yourself into the hands of fate. On the 11th, you have the typical Gemini ability with words, but something doesn’t make sense on the 14th. Theme of the week: Embrace the new

☎ 0906 650 7232 Kym Marsh – 45 on 13 June

AQUARIUS 21 January – 19 February

This promises to be an exceptiona­lly happy week. If you’re currently single, a new love could be just around the corner, and if you’re already committed, you’ll enjoy increased togetherne­ss. Act wisely on the 14th, and try not to let fear stand in the way of progress.

Theme of the week: Fantasy

☎ 0906 650 7240

PISCES 20 February – 20 March

Consider making improvemen­ts to your home life, particular­ly if your gut is telling you what to do. This could mean physical changes, but it might also involve taking a fresh approach to a current situation. Don’t let wishful thinking cloud your judgement on the 14th.

Theme of the week: The past ☎ 0906 650 7241

ARIES 21 March – 20 April

Starting on the 11th, the next few weeks will emphasise your love life, as well as your competitiv­e spirit. Life will offer you plenty of adventure, and you get your first taste of it on the 13th. It recharges your energy levels, especially if you do something you enjoy.

Theme of the week: Dynamism ☎ 0906 650 7230

TAURUS 21 April – 21 May

You’re in the process of changing some of your allegiance­s, and the results could be radical. There are also developmen­ts with a big goal, and on the 14th, you’re torn between trying a new approach and sticking to your current tactics. Each is valid, so which will you pick?

Theme of the week: Domesticit­y ☎ 0906 650 7231

For a more detailed weekly forecast, call the number for your star sign. Calls cost 65p per minute plus your network access charge. Weekly forecasts last approximat­ely four minutes. Messages are pre-recorded. For entertainm­ent and guidance purposes only. Users must be over 18. Service provider: Spoke. Customer service number 0333 202 3390 (9am-5pm)

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