Bella (UK)

‘My weight was making me ill’

Bryony Warren, 30, was worried about her health, so started to make changes

- ● Follow Bryony on Instagram @thisgirlbr­y.ww ● To start your weight loss and wellness journey, visit

Throughout my childhood and teenage years, I struggled with my weight, but by my mid-twenties, I’d learned to embrace my curves. I’d wear figure-hugging dresses in a size 14-16 and didn’t hesitate to put on a bikini while on holiday. I felt happy and confident, and I enjoyed my life and my food far too much to worry about what the scales said.

Living in London, my friends and I would take full advantage of all the amazing restaurant­s, and I’d eat out up to four times a week. When I wasn’t out, I’d stay in and cook my favourite Thai curry. Only, as my weight crept up, my doctor warned that I was at serious risk of developing blood clots due to the contracept­ive pill I was on. It helped with my endometrio­sis, and I couldn’t bear the thought of coming off it because the symptoms were so awful. So, I signed a medical waiver and brushed off further warnings from my GP.

Then, in March 2020, when the UK went into lockdown, I moved out of my flat in London to live with my parents in Exeter, Devon. Working from home in my graphic design job meant I was a lot less active, and I went up to a size 18. I then started to lose the feeling in my toes, and after a quick Google search, I realised it was an early symptom of type-2 diabetes. That made me panic. I was only 29, and yet I realised I was really messing with my health.

I decided I needed to get moving, so every morning I went for a long walk, and I’d do the odd home workout on Youtube,

‘That made me panic’

too. However, I struggled to stay consistent and I didn’t change my diet, so by July, I realised I needed to do more. I’d had success on WW (previously Weight Watchers) ten years prior, when I had managed to lose 3st, so I thought I would try it again. I signed up for virtual workshops and was impressed by how the plan had evolved, as it was much more focused on wellness rather than simply the number on the scales.

At 5ft 5in, I weighed 18st 3lbs, and I set myself a “mini goal” of losing 3st by my 30th birthday that December. And as I’d always enjoyed cooking and mealplanni­ng, it wasn’t hard to get going on the plan. I ordered my food shopping online, so I could prepare my own healthy breakfasts, such as porridge or smoked salmon with poached eggs. Lunch would be sweetcorn fritters with a salad or a veg wrap, and I could still have dinner with my parents by making a few small adjustment­s, like cooking Wwfriendly chips and watching my portion sizes. The app was a great way to track my progress and connect with other members for support. Because I was still living with my parents, I also couldn’t be tempted by boozy nights out with my friends or indulgent meals. By my 30th birthday in middecembe­r, I’d lost the 3st and was delighted. Over Christmas, I allowed myself a few treats and only put on 1lb. In the New Year, I felt ready to start an exercise routine and began following the home workouts on the WW app, such as high-intensity routines and yoga, which were brilliant. By March, I had lost another stone, and while my weight-loss started to plateau, it didn’t bother me because I was still losing inches from my waist and feeling so much healthier. My tingling toes had gone and my risk of suffering blood clots had dramatical­ly reduced, too.

Now, ten months since my WW journey started, I’ve lost just over 5st and have gone down three dress sizes. While I’m not quite at my goal yet, I know I’ll get there. I didn’t lose weight because I hated my body, it was about improving my health for the future.

I run three days a week, which makes me feel great, and while food is still my passion, I’m way more mindful of what I eat, especially if I go to a restaurant. I’m happier and more confident than ever. The past year has been hard for so many people, but it gave me the chance to pause and change my life for the better.

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BEFORE 18st 3lbs Size 18
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