
Dawn’s secret is out!

Dawn French has been flirting online with a fellow comedian, but has hubby Mark noticed?


She’s happily married (to second husband, charity director Mark Bignell, 53), but that doesn’t mean Dawn French is ready to tone down her impish nature!

The comedian and author, 59, was spectacula­rly propositio­ned on Twitter recently, by funnyman Rufus Hound (also happily married).

Enamoured Rufus, 37, had clearly been listening to an interview with Dawn (as part of a podcast series with comic Richard Herring) and was impressed, tweeting, ‘Listened to your [podcast] last night and, suffice to say, the amount I would like to snog your whole face off hasn’t diminished.’

Dawn, never one to shy away from making a statement herself, responded with, ‘Bring it on, likely lad…’

Rufus, set to play Mr Toad in this summer’s London West End production of The Wind In The Willows, is clearly no ‘toad’ where Ms French is concerned. We hope hubby Mark didn’t take offence at their saucy chat!

Still, we don’t think Dawn’s going to follow the path of her character in Sky drama Delicious and dive into any love triangles. But no wonder she’s ecstatic; Dawn is riding high right now, and it’s set to be a big year for her, not least as she turns 60 in October.

Coming off the back of her triumphant 30 Million Minutes world stand-up tour, the first series of Delicious on Sky 1 earlier this year and thrilled fans. One viewer tweeted, ‘Great show, believable female characters, best location and food porn ever.’

When it was confirmed for another series, Dawn admitted she was ‘utterly delighted’.

She’s also poised to host ITV’s Little Big Shots from 1 March, which fans are getting equally excited about.

One Twitter user wrote, ‘The more I see the advert for @Dawn_French Little Big Shots the more I’m looking forward to watching it.’

And in real life, things seem rosy for Dawn and Mark, who presented her with some heart-shaped stones last week (presumably from the beach near their Cornish home), which she shared on Twitter, saying, ‘I done good marryin’.’

Rufus, you might be waiting a while for that big snog…

Dawn is riding high right now, and it’s set to be a big year for her

 ??  ?? Rufus turned on the Twitter charm
Rufus turned on the Twitter charm
 ??  ?? Dawn is delighted that Delicious will make a return Hubby Mark doesn’t seem worried!
Dawn is delighted that Delicious will make a return Hubby Mark doesn’t seem worried!

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