
Look younger with Lesley

Anti-ageing guru Lesley Reynolds reveals the latest treatments to help you stay youthful


Cases of women developing acne for the first time in their 30s and 40s are on the increase. Here’s my guide to dealing with spots for grown-ups…


If you’re tempted to treat your acne with a few old tricks from your teen

years, don’t. Adult skin is more sensitive. The most important thing you can do for your skin is have a good skincare routine, and this means using the right products for your skin type. For milder breakouts, topical medication­s like retinoid, derived from vitamin A, can significan­tly improve the complexion. For severe or persistent acne, it’s best to see a dermatolog­ist.


A course of monthly light acid peels will help get rid of dead skin cells and keep pores unblocked, leaving a smooth skin tone. My favourite is a glycolic peel. Glycolic acid gently dissolves the glue-like substance that holds dead skin cells on the surface of your skin. It comes in a variety of strengths, from salon strength of 20-40 per cent to a clinic version of 70-90 per cent, which must be performed by a cosmetic nurse or doctor. You’ll need a course of six to get good results, then a top-up every month.


A course of laser treatment can dramatical­ly improve skin tone and texture, and help fade acne scars. The Smartxide DOT Laser is a small wand that’s passed over the treatment area. The DOT technology is precise and quick – it can treat the entire face in 30 minutes. The laser energy removes the outer layers of the epidermis, which flakes away as the skin heals, leaving skin smoother. You’ll need three to six treatments at four to six weeks apart for best results.

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