


No matter what your shape and size, most of us feel self-conscious about our naked bodies. But let me tell you… there’s truth in the saying beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But before you can share the love, you need to feel good about yourself. Here are my seven steps to feeling better about your body. 1. Firstly, remember your weight doesn’t define you,

your attitude does. So, confidence is the key. Develop your self-esteem by looking in the mirror naked and saying, ‘I am a beautiful version of me and I am confident,’ 10 times. While you are repeating this mantra, tap on the top of your head 10 times, then tap your cheeks 10 times, then your jaw line and, finally, your chest.

2. Stand tall! Confidence translates into good posture, so pull your shoulders back, push your chest out and pull that tummy in. Great posture takes off pounds. 3. You don’t have to be lean, you just need good contours. If that means cutting back on the wine or fattening foods ( you know what I’m talking about), do it. It’s worth it! 4. Know your body type – if you have broad shoulders, work on dropping weight around your waist area. If your thighs are good, develop great calves to make your legs

look longer. If your shoulders are small, then slim down your arms. Strive for a flat stomach, not a six pack, just so there isn’t a bulge. 5. Regular dry brushing with a bristle brush brings fresh blood and oxygen to the surface of the skin, getting rid of bumps and the mottled look. 6. Keep body hair under

control – you don’t have to go for a Brazilian, but having smooth legs and keeping everything neat and tidy is good for your self-care!

7. Try a fake tan. You no longer have to look like you’ve been Tangoed – there are some great fake tans on the market to suit every budget. A little goes a long way, but it’s amazing what a bit of warmth can do to for your skin. As a final touch, how about pedicure? Neatly cut, clean toenails will make anyone look better. And if all else fails, make sure the lighting is low and smile – everybody looks better when they’re smiling!

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