
Your Stars

For the week 26 March-1 April

- with Russell Grant

TAURUS 21 April – 21 May

Group activities are your priority, but all this extra socialisin­g could cause you to lose sight of your own hopes. You’ve chosen to set aside your desires to help a team succeed. Once this project is over, think seriously about fulfilling personal goals.

GEMINI 22 May – 21 June

Be quick to respond to an unexpected offer you instinctiv­ely sense is going to be good for you. This is your chance to venture into unfamiliar territory. Even so, don’t throw away all that is familiar until you feel comfortabl­e with the new.

CANCER 22 June – 23 July

A team effort will be a big success. Thanks to your skills, you’ll achieve impressive results fast. You’re more confident about your abilities and a collective effort gives you something to celebrate. It takes you next to no time to make a tough decision.

LEO 24 July – 23 August

Exciting opportunit­ies crop up now. Spur-of-the-moment decisions will have a lot to do with your desire to socialise and have fun. You’re looking for exciting experience­s and you won’t be short of ideas. Friendly invitation­s are heading your way.

VIRGO 24 August – 23 September

Friends take up a lot of your time. Someone wants a big favour from you. You sense their reluctance to ask, but you will be happy to oblige. You have been looking for a chance to show appreciati­on for this person’s past kindness.

LIBRA 24 September – 23 October

If you’re growing tired of the same old routine, you’re probably in the wrong place. Daring to be different will bring some exciting opportunit­ies your way. Fresh ideas catch your interest and you might want to try out new work or domestic routines.

SCORPIO 24 October – 22 November

Hide your true feelings from someone you don’t know very well. Some people are not being honest about everything and there are secrets. Change is in the air and because you want everything to go smoothly, this will keep you on your toes.

SAGITTARIU­S 23 November – 21 December

Children and animals bring you so much joy and if you’ve been thinking about adopting a pet, now would be a great time. Something you never expected to experience will come about. You may have to pinch yourself to check you aren’t dreaming!

CAPRICORN 22 December – 20 January

Join in any kind of pursuit that might help you forget your cares for a while. Artistic and creative, you will be able to draw on the energy of the planets to turn out some inspiratio­nal work. This is also a wonderful time to travel.

AQUARIUS 21 January – 19 February

Hold back from grabbing an exciting opportunit­y or you may regret it. Instead of jumping at the first offer, being choosy could pay off handsomely. Your practical skills are in peak form and you’re ready to let others see what you are capable of.

PISCES 20 February – 20 March

Trust your intuition regarding a business or financial matter. High levels of perception will help you sense what other people are thinking. It will be fun to anticipate a rival’s next move. Compare costs involved if you are making travel plans.

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