


While it’s well documented that Kim Woodburn gave birth to a stillborn son at 23, Aggie rarely talks about her twin brother, who was also stillborn. ‘My mother didn’t know she was having twins till I was born,’ she explains. While scans did exist in 1955, when Aggie was born, they were rare and often only used only to diagnose high-risk pregnancie­s. ‘Mum went from thinking she was having one child, to two, and then just one,’ she explains. It had a profound effect on both Aggie and her parents. ‘It’s only recently I’ve been able to talk about being a twin without bursting into tears. A few years ago, I put some words on my parents’ grave in memory of my brother. They’re buried together but, as he was never given a name, I wrote “the unnamed twin”.’

 ??  ?? Aggie (centre) with sisters Kerry and Christine
Aggie (centre) with sisters Kerry and Christine

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