
Your stars with Russell Grant

For the week 17-23 Sept, with Russell Grant


VIRGO 24 August – 23 September

This is a good time for Virgos, like actor Jeremy Irons (born on 19 September) and actress Sophia Loren (born on 20 September), to look at all their options and to be prepared to make decisions that will take them in a new and extremely interestin­g direction. Trust your gut, it won’t fail you.

SAGITTARIU­S 23 November – 21 December

Your partner or best friend appears to be able to guess your thoughts. It will feel weird when you have something on your mind and they know exactly what this is. They can read you like a book, but there is a practical explanatio­n. It’s because you’re so close, you can’t hide your feelings.

PISCES 20 February – 20 March

Positive discussion­s and agreements will add a new glow to your future. If a project doesn’t quite work out as you had hoped, give it another go. This willingnes­s to put effort into your goals is what will ultimately make you successful. A new friendship is moving in the right direction.

GEMINI 22 May – 21 June

When was the last time you followed your passion or your heart? Let it be mid-September. Believe in yourself. Sign up for a class, apply for a new job or stop looking at websites and move to a beautiful area. The outcome of certain activities will have a lot to do with how much faith you have that you’ll succeed.

LIBRA 24 September – 23 October

Whatever your plans, you will get straight into them because you’re determined to get results. You have found a new outlet for your creativity. Friends are supportive and you will feel overjoyed with an offer or invitation you hadn’t expected to receive. You are making a good impression on everyone.

CAPRICORN 22 December – 20 January

Your vitality is high and glowing health will guarantee some fun moments with friends. You find it easy to share your feelings and you will encourage your family and other loved ones to do the same. You will zip through your work and other responsibi­lities with outstandin­g efficiency.

ARIES 21 March – 20 April

Keep doing what you do best. You will achieve a lot, provided you stay focused. Give yourself more time to achieve a long-term aim, and if at first you don’t succeed, don’t let this discourage you. Is someone about to take advantage of your hard-working nature? Be sure you are rewarded appropriat­ely for your efforts.

CANCER 22 June – 23 July

A working relationsh­ip needs reviewing. Someone is shirking their responsibi­lities and you’re tired of having to do their work as well as your own. You aren’t getting anything out of this partnershi­p in a practical or personal sense. You are ready for a change. A new project will get off to a promising start.

SCORPIO 24 October – 22 November

Make time for activities you always enjoy. Whether it’s something as simple as baking cakes, taking photos, writing poems or dancing is immaterial. The important thing is to balance work with play. An older colleague’s advice is reliable. You can trust them to fulfil any promises they make to you.

AQUARIUS 21 January – 19 February

A friend doesn’t seem to be thinking clearly. They’re worried about something that may never happen. You may have to point out aspects of a situation they have overlooked and they will thank you for this. An unexpected sum of money will arrive. Splash out on a new outfit or fragrance.

TAURUS 21 April – 21 May

You are normally very cautious, but you won’t regret acting spontaneou­sly this week. It will feel good to go with the mood of the moment. You aren’t relying on lucky charms to help you succeed, and you’re in the frame of mind to take life as it comes, enjoying activities that bring you pleasure.

LEO 24 July – 23 August

You long to escape familiar places and travelling will give you a break from dealing with domestic or work problems. Fun activities shared with friends will become cherished memories. You might recall a conversati­on that took place some time ago, and what you were told will come in useful at this time.

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