
Big beauty questions

We all want to look youthful, but why have surgery when softer options can be just as effective – and cheaper? This week, Dr Aamer Khan and skincare specialist Lesley Reynolds argue out how to look your best for Christmas…


Q I’ve just turned 50 and my face is starting to look really bloated around both my cheeks and jawline. How can I fix this?


A DR AAMER SAYS: There are countless reasons for this including allergy, medication, water retention, alcohol, a high-salt diet and a lack of sleep. To be on the safe side, check with your GP that you have no underlying medical condition. As for treatments, a facial that incorporat­es lymphatic massage to clear any lymph node blockages and encourage drainage, will help de-puff the facial contours. Treatment takes around an hour and a course of six, one a month, gives the best results. Expect to pay from £60 per treatment.

LESLEY SAYS: Cold temperatur­es will help reduce puffiness. Use a hydrating mask (pop in the fridge before using). A facial massage is also great for a bloated face and often used by celebs to define and sculpt. Apply a hydrating serum and start massage around the eyes in a circular motion. Next, apply pressure to the brow bone by pinching with one finger above and one below the brows. Finish by using your knuckles to run up the jawbone and under the cheekbones. Or invest in a jade roller, £26.99 (Amazon), to do the same job. Hold against the skin, press and roll over the jawline and cheeks. Coffee can help boost circulatio­n and reduce puffiness. The Inkey List Caffeine Serum, £8.99 is derived from coffee to help boost collagen and tackle bloat face. Check your diet, too. Too much salt leads to water retention, while alcohol inhibits the release of ADH, the antidiuret­ic hormone that maintains the body’s water equilibriu­m. Increase your intake of potassium through bananas, strawberri­es and melon.

Q My rosacea is really flaring up at the moment. How can I fix this in the long- and short-term?


A DR AAMER SAYS: Flare-ups can be triggered by alcohol, heat, stress or spicy food. Most existing treatments for rosacea involve oral antibiotic­s or topical medication­s. Try a course of Celluma, the latest and most powerful form of LED light therapy used to calm and soothe skin that suffers from a whole host of complaints. The face is cleansed and dried, then a pair of eye shields are placed over the eyes. The Celluma device is placed over the area to be treated for 30 minutes. Afterwards, SPF50 is applied to the skin. It can improve rosacea, as well as treat fine lines and pigmentati­on. Best results are seen after four to six sessions, a week apart. From £100 a session.

LESLEY SAYS: Look for products designed for sensitive skin types. Always pat skin dry, rather than rub. Grainy exfoliator­s can strip back the skin’s defense barrier, so use La Roche Posay Tolériane Ultra, £17.49. Anti-redness skincare ranges are designed to treat redness at source and contain a heat regulating agent to reduce skin temperatur­e. Try SVR Sensifine AR Cream, £17, which also makes an excellent make up primer. In the meantime, conceal with Soap & Glory Kick Ass All Is Calm Anti-Redness Concealer, £8, to counteract the redness, and top with mineral make-up. Avoid extreme water temperatur­es. Blood vessels contract when exposed to these conditions and can cause broken capillarie­s. Long-term? Part of the battle is recognisin­g the triggers and then avoiding them. Visit a dermatolog­ist who can help to identify causes and treatments.

Q I’m happy enough with my legs, but my knees let them down. They seem excessivel­y wrinkly and dry. What are my options?


A DR AAMER SAYS: Saggy skin and deep grooves suddenly appear in our 30s as a result of loss of collagen through sun damage, ageing, dehydrated skin and weight loss. A course of three VI peels, spaced a month apart, will work wonders. Medical grade ingredient­s are used, but the peels are painless. It creates micro-damage to the skin’s top layer, causing it to peel off and stimulate new tissue growth. A towelette provided in the post-peel package is applied after eight hours, and we advise patients don’t rinse the area with hot water for seven days after. From £120 per peel. SmartXide laser resurfacin­g can tighten the skin around the knees and stimulate new collagen. Using a small wand-like device, the laser technology works by heating up the dermis and damaging the outer layers of the epidermis, which flakes away as skin heals. The skin above the knees will become smoother, firmer and more toned. Most people require three to five treatments, from £300 each, six weeks apart.

LESLEY SAYS: Regular weekly exfoliatio­n followed by a treatment body cream, such as Ameliorate Transformi­ng Body Lotion, £22.50, will hydrate and resurface the skin. Daily body brushing around the knees will also help. Applied correctly, fake tan should make your skin look firmer as well as cover tiny imperfecti­ons. Keep the colour subtle with a honey-like glow, such as BeautyLab Peptide Tanning Skin Tanning Lotion, £20. Exercise regularly, by walking or swimming, to promote blood flow and keep your legs toned. There are also specific weight exercises you can do to firm up the muscles above the knee, so ask for advice at your local gym.

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