
Tony Cowell


Legendary Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli has sold over 90 million albums and toured the world. In a career spanning over 30 years he has sung for Pope John Paul II, the Queen, Elizabeth Taylor and, in 2018, at the wedding of Princess Eugenie. Blind since the age of 12 (he suffered from ‘traumatic glaucoma’ following a childhood football accident), Bocelli has famously duetted with the likes of Ed Sheeran, Celine Dion and Dua Lipa. He tells best how he persuaded pop singer Ellie Goulding and

Hollywood actress Jennifer Garner to record duets for his new album…

Ellie Goulding sings a track on your new album. Were you a fan?

I didn’t really know her music before this – but I got to spend some time with her during and after recording and we now keep in touch. The song we do is called Return to Love, and it is a very beautiful song. I was struck by the range in her voice and the interpreta­tion she was able to give to the song. She is a very talented singer. I get a lot of offers from people wanting to duet with me. This time I was very fortunate to have Ellie, and of course having Jennifer Garner sing for the first time on this album was amazing.

Your son, Matteo, who now has his own record deal, also sings on the album. You must be very proud...

I am very happy, like any parent would be. I hope he achieves what he really wants with his music. To be the best at what you do you sometimes have to make sacrifices for the sake of your career, and sometimes that is hard to do. I would love him to follow in my footsteps – he has the passion for it.

You tour so much. How do you relax when you’re not working?

I love my horses, which I have at my home in the Italian countrysid­e. It is here that I love to ride through the fields and the woods. This is my way of having time to myself. Because I am always on the road working, I like to stay at home and just be calm. I like my peace.

When you were growing up, what music was playing in your house?

I remember hearing the voice of Mario Lanza. He was very famous at that time. So, he had a great influence on me. He is the voice that inspired me to want to sing. There are many great opera voices from the past. But Mario Lanza I will always remember. My mother bought me his records.

You mother loved opera – but your father wasn’t a fan, was he?

No, he hated the opera and didn’t really understand why I loved it so much. So, he insisted that I first study before becoming a singer. I had to compromise with him, and I studied law before I went on to become a profession­al singer.

Did you have a happy upbringing?

Yes, I did. I grew up on a vineyard in Tuscany. I always say I am a happy man because I was so loved by my family. This is very important in life. I am very fortunate in that way. I had a very balanced upbringing and was taught the right way by my parents.

Is it true that before you were famous, you used to sing in piano bars?

Yes, that is true. When I was in my 20s I was having singing lessons during the day then I would perform in piano bars in the nights. I was a big fan of Frank Sinatra, so I would play a lot of his songs. For me, Sinatra had everything, the voice, the songs and his stage presence.

What would you say is your greatest achievemen­t in life?

I would say that at this stage in my career, I am very proud of my sons. They have shown they are happy with their studies. They have no health

problems; they have no issues with drugs or alcohol. They are happy with their career paths. So, my achievemen­t is that my family is united. That makes me very happy.

Do you ever see a time when you might retire from touring?

I think I will know when that time comes. When my voice can no longer be as strong or beautiful as it needs to be, to perform at the very top level. So one day, yes, that time will come. But not soon, I hope!

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 ??  ?? Andrea’s handsome sons, Amos and Matteo
Andrea’s handsome sons, Amos and Matteo
 ??  ?? With glamorous wife Veronica Berti
With glamorous wife Veronica Berti
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 ??  ?? Riding in his wine estate in Lajatico, Italy
Riding in his wine estate in Lajatico, Italy

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