
‘I did last Dry Jan - and haven’t had a glass since!’

Emmerdale actress Natalie J Robb talks about what she’s up to in the Dales – and why she’s ditched alcohol for good…


While Emmerdale’s stressedou­t Moira Dingle is drinking herself into oblivion, actress Natalie J Robb actually gave up alcohol a year ago. So, while plenty of us are currently nursing sore heads after overindulg­ing during the festive season, the 45-year-old Scottish actress is enviably fresh as a daisy and raring to go! Natalie, who lives in North Yorkshire, talks to us about New Year resolution­s, being single and why she revels in the role of ‘Mucky Moira’…

Natalie, you certainly get way more than your fair share of Emmerdale’s hot young hunks…

Ha, yes, I’ve been very lucky! Moira is an earthy woman. She’s sassy and stands up for herself and a lot of guys like that. I don’t get embarrasse­d filming steamy scenes. It’s an unnatural thing to start kissing someone you don’t really know, but I just switch off and don’t give it a second thought!

Moira is hitting the bottle hard – but ironically, you don’t drink, do you?

I thought I’d try Dry January last year, to give my body a break. I’m 45 now, and I wanted to look after myself a bit more. It’s been just over a year now. I didn’t drink loads before, but I’d drink every weekend. We’re a very social country, with a drinking culture. You can say you’ve given up smoking and people say, ‘That’s amazing!’ But people don’t have the same reaction when you say you’ve given up drinking. They’ll say, ‘Oh come on, just have one.’ Yet alcohol is as bad, if not worse, than cigarettes.

What difference has it made to your life?

I’ve kept it going because I feel so much better for it. I’ve got more energy and my skin looks nicer. I’m far more productive and I’ve loads of clarity.

Why is Moira drinking?

She’s trying to make herself feel numb. She had an affair with farmhand, Nate, and it really backfired. She’s found out he was using her. Now she’s angry that she was so stupid in the first place. She’s lost her husband, Cain, and she’s devastated that she’s lost her family. Cain has taken their son, Isaac, and then her son, Matty, tells her he’s moving out. She hits rock bottom. She drinks far too much, and she actually gives herself a bit of alcoholic poisoning! She’s drinking straight vodka in the street, then throws up, nearly gets hit by a car and ends up lying in a ditch.

Not the most glamorous scenes to film then…

They were really horrible to film. It was a freezing cold day, and I had to roll down a bank and lie there in a ditch. And for throwing up, I had vegetable soup in my mouth. It’s a good likeness to sick!

What are your New Year’s resolution­s then?

To be more organised and write things down. I also want to do more weekend travelling. As far as alcohol goes, if I do have a drink this year, I’ll just pick my occasions, rather than it being part of my staple diet every weekend. I won’t ever go back to it like before.

Any plans to lose weight and exercise more?

I’m happy with my weight and I do a lot of exercise. I go weight-training at the gym and for walks with the dog. A long walk is great for mental health.

Are you single, or dating?

I’m single and happy that way. I think we’d all like to meet someone, but I’m in no hurry. There are statistics that say single people are the happiest, because we’ve got more money and less compromise

‘I’m single and happy that way. I think we’d all like to meet someone, but I’m in no hurry’

in our lives. My motto is: when you meet someone, they have to enhance your life! It’s hard to meet people nowadays, but I’d prefer something to happen more naturally.

How did you feel about turning 45 recently?

Well, I like my own company. It’s a really good thing to spend time on your own. If you’re happy on your own, you’ll be happy generally.

How are you seeing in the New Year?

I’m not a party animal. I find it all an anti-climax, so my friend, Dougie, from London is here. He doesn’t drink, either, so we sit in and watch telly. My tipple is soda water and fresh lime, coffee or hot chocolate – I’m such a nana!

How do you unwind?

Ooh, I love a spa day. My go-to is reflexolog­y, it balances me out. And after it, you have the deepest and best sleep ever.

Emmerdale is on ITV, Mon, Tues, Wed and Fri at 7pm, and Thurs at 7pm & 8pm.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Moira gives in to Nate’s charms
Moira gives in to Nate’s charms
 ??  ?? Her drinking lands her in a ditch
Her drinking lands her in a ditch
 ??  ?? Natalie is happy and healthy – unlike Moira!
Natalie is happy and healthy – unlike Moira!

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